Index du Bulletin de Bibliographie Spinoziste

Contributions de Joseph BEN-SHLOMO

B. SPINOSA : Court Traité, traduit par Rachel Hollander-Steingart, introduction et notes par Joseph ben Shlomo, The Magnes Press, Jerusalem, 1978. (hébreu). N II, 20 (Elhanan Yakira).

"Reply to professor Hampshire", in Spinoza : His Thought and Work. Entretiens in Jerusalem, 6-9 september 1977, eds. Nathan Rotenstreich and Norma Schneider, Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Jerusalem, 1983, 142-146. (anglais).

Leçons sur la philosophie de Spinoza, Département d'éducation de l'armée/Université de Tel-Aviv, 1983, 102 p. (hébreu).

"Substance and Attributes in the Short Treatise and in the Ethics : An Attempt at an `Existentialist´ Interpretation", in Yirmiyahu Yovel (ed.) : God and Nature : Spinoza's Metaphysics, Papers Presented at the First Jerusalem Conference (Ethica I), E.J. Brill, Leiden/New York/København/Köln, 1991, 219-229. (anglais). N XIV, 14 (Yannis Prelorentzos).

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V. Reignier@Groupe de Recherches Spinozistes@CERPHI