Index du Bulletin de Bibliographie Spinoziste

Contributions de Michael DELLA ROCCA

"Causation and Spinoza's Claim of Identity", History of Philosophy Quarterly, Bowling Green (Ohio), t. 8, n°3 (1991), p. 265-276. (anglais).
Reprinted in Genevieve Lloyd (ed.) : Spinoza. Critical assessments, Routledge, London-New York, 2001, vol. II, part V.

"Spinoza's Argument for the identity theory", Philosophical Review, Cornell University, Ithaca (N.Y.), 102/2 (1993), p. 182-213. (anglais).
Reprinted in Genevieve Lloyd (ed.) : Spinoza. Critical assessments, Routledge, London-New York, 2001, vol. II, part V.

"Mental Content and Skepticism in Descartes and Spinoza", Studia spinozana, vol. 10 (1994), Königshausen & Neumann, Würzburg, 1996, 15-42. N XX, 17 (Jacqueline Lagrée). (anglais).

Representation and the Mind-Body Problem in Spinoza, Oxford University Press, New York/Oxford, 1996, 223+xiv p. N XX, 21-22 (Steven Barbone). (anglais).

"Spinoza's metaphysical psychology", in The Cambridge Companion to Spinoza, edited by Don Garrett, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (U.K.), 1996, p. 192-266. (anglais). N XIX, 8 (Steven Barbone).

"Spinoza's Substance Monism", in Olli I. Koistinen and John I. Biro (eds) : Spinoza : Metaphysical Themes, Oxford University Press, New York, 2001, p. 11-37. (anglais).

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