Index du Bulletin de Bibliographie Spinoziste

Contributions de Don GARRETT

"Spinoza's ‘Ontological’ Argument", The Philosophical Review, Cornell University, Ithaca (N.Y.), avril 1979, p. 198-223. (anglais). N II, 14.
Reprinted in Genevieve Lloyd (ed.) : Spinoza. Critical assessments, Routledge, London-New York, 2001, vol. II, part IV.

"Truth and Ideas of Imagination in the Tractatus de Intellectus Emendatione", Studia spinozana, Walther & Walther Verlag, Hannover, vol. 2 (1986), p. 61-92. (anglais).

"‘A Free Man Always Acts Honestly, Not Deceptively’ : Freedom and the Good in Spinoza's Ethics", in Spinoza. Issues and Directions. The Proceedings of the Chicago Spinoza Conference (1986), edited by Edwin Curley and Pierre-François Moreau, E.J. Brill, Leiden/New York/København/Köln, coll. "Brill's Studies in Intellectual History", vol. 14, 1990, 221-238. (anglais).

"Truth, method, and correspondence in Spinoza and Leibniz", Studia spinozana, Königshausen & Neumann, Würzburg, vol. 6 (1990), 11-43. (anglais). N XIII, 23-24 (Jacqueline Lagrée).

"Spinoza's Necessitarianism", in Yirmiyahu Yovel (ed.) : God and Nature : Spinoza's Metaphysics, Papers Presented at the First Jerusalem Conference (Ethica I), E.J. Brill, Leiden/New York/København/Köln, 1991, 191-218. (anglais). N XIV, 14 (Yannis Prelorentzos).

"Spinoza's Theory of Metaphysical Individuation", in F. Kenneth Barber (ed.) : Individuation and Identity in Early Modern Philosophy, State University of New York Press, Albany (N.Y.), 1994. (anglais).

"Spinoza's ethical theory", in The Cambridge Companion to Spinoza, edited by Don Garrett, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (U.K.), 1996, p. 267-314. (anglais). N XIX, 8 (Steven Barbone).

"Benedict de Spinoza", in Steven Emmanuel (ed.) : The Blackwell guide to the modern philosophers from Descartes to Nietzsche, Blackwell, Cambridge, 2001, p. 43-60. (anglais).

"Ethics IP5 : Shared attributes and the basis of Spinoza's monism", in Genevieve Lloyd (ed.) : Spinoza. Critical assessments, Routledge, London-New York, 2001, vol. II, part IV. (anglais).

"Spinoza's Conatus Argument", in Olli I. Koistinen and John I. Biro (eds) : Spinoza : Metaphysical Themes, Oxford University Press, New York, 2001, p. 127-158. (anglais).

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