Index du Bulletin de Bibliographie Spinoziste

Contributions de Sarah HUTTON

"Reason and Revelation in the Cambridge Platonists, and their Reception of Spinoza", in Spinoza in der Frühzeit seiner religiösen Wirkung, hrsg. von Karlfried Gründer und Wilhelm Schmidt-Biggemann, Verlag Lambert Schneider, Heidelberg, "Wolfenbütteler Studien zur Aufklärung", Bd. 12, 1984, 181-200. (anglais).

"The prophetic imagination : a comparative study of Spinoza and the Cambridge platonist, John Smith", in Spinoza's political and theological thought, edited by Cornelis de Deugd, North-Holland publishing Company, Amsterdam, 1984, 73-81. (anglais).

"Henry Oldenburg (1617/20-1677) and Spinoza", in The Spinozistic Heresy. The debate on the Tractatus Theologico-Politicus, 1670-1677 and the immediate reception of spinozism. Seminar Cortona 1991 = L'hérésie spinoziste. La discussion sur le Tractatus Theologico-Politicus, 1670-1677 et la réception immédiate du spinozisme. Colloque de Cortona 1991, ed. P. Cristofolini, APA-Holland University Press, Amsterdam & Maarssen, 1995, p. 106-119. (anglais). N XIX, 28 (Julieta Espinosa).

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