Index du Bulletin de Bibliographie Spinoziste

Contributions de Lee C. RICE

"Servitus in Spinoza, a programmatic analysis", in Spinoza's philosophy of man. Proceedings of the Scandinavian Spinoza Symposium, 1977, edited by Jon Wetlesen, Universitetsforlaget, Oslo/Bergen/Tromsø (distributed by Global Book Resources Ltd), 1978, p. 179-191. (anglais). N I, 22 (Renée Bouveresse).

"Piety and philosophical freedom in Spinoza", in Spinoza's political and theological thought, edited by Cornelis de Deugd, North-Holland publishing Company, Amsterdam, 1984, p. 184-205. (anglais).

"Spinoza, Bennett, and teleology", Southern Journal of Philosophy, Memphis (Tenn.), t. 23, n°2 (1985), p. 241-253. (anglais). N VIII, 23.

"Spinoza's account of sexuality", Philosophy Research Archives, Bowling Green (Ohio), t. 10 (1985), p. 19-34. (anglais). N VIII, 23.

"A Study on Spinoza's `Ethics´, de Jonathan Bennett", Bulletin de l'Association des Amis de Spinoza, Paris, n°16 (1986), p. 8-11.

RICE, Lee C. and Anthony F. BEAVERS : "Doubt and Belief in the Tractatus de Intellectus Emendatione", Studia spinozana, Königshausen & Neumann, Würzburg, vol. 4 (1988), p. 93-119. (anglais). N XII, 34 (Marie-Hélène Belin).
Reprinted in Genevieve Lloyd (ed.) : Spinoza. Critical assessments, Routledge, London-New York, 2001, vol. I, part III.

"Individual and Community in Spinoza's Social Psychology", in Spinoza. Issues and Directions. The Proceedings of the Chicago Spinoza Conference (1986), edited by Edwin Curley and Pierre-François Moreau, E.J. Brill, Leiden/New York/København/Köln, coll. "Brill's Studies in Intellectual History", vol. 14, 1990, p. 271-285. (anglais).

"Reflexive Ideas in Spinoza", Journal of the History of Ideas, New York, t. 28/2 (1990), p. 201-211. (anglais).

"Tanquam naturae humanae exemplar : Spinoza on human Nature", The Modern Schoolman, St Louis (Miss.), t. LXVIII (1991), p. 291-303. (anglais).

"Autour de l'éthique de Spinoza et de Hume", in La Ética de Spinoza. Fundamentos y significado (Actas del Congreso Internacional : Almagro, 24-26 de octubre, 1990), edicion preparada por Atilano Dominguez, Ediciones de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, Ciudad Real, 1992, p. 99-108. N XV, 14-15 (Julieta Espinosa).

"Cognitivism : a Spinozistic Perspective", Studia spinozana, Königshausen und Neumann, Würzburg, vol. 8 (1992), p. 209-226. (anglais). N XVII, 68 (Yannis Prelorentzos).

"La causalité adéquate chez Spinoza", Philosophiques, Revue de la Société de Philosophie du Québec, Montréal, vol. XIX, n°1 (printemps 1992), p. 45-59. N XV, 32 (Joannis Prelorenzos).

"Mind Eternity in Spinoza", Iyyun, The Jerusalem Philosophical Quarterly, 41 (July 1992), p. 319-334. (anglais). N XV, p. 32-33 (Joannis Prelorenzos).

"Faith, Obedience, and Salvation in Spinoza", Lyceum, VI/2 (1994), 20 p. (anglais).

"Spinoza and nominalism", Canadian Journal of Philosophy, Edmonton, vol. 24, n°1 (mars 1994), p. 19-32. (anglais). N XVII, 49 (Ariel Suhamy).

RICE, Lee C. and Steven BARBONE : "Spinoza and the problem of suicide", International Philosophical Quarterly, New York/Louvain, vol. XXXIV, n°2 (juin 1994), p. 229-241. (anglais). N XVII, 49 (Eugenio Fernandez).
Reprinted in Genevieve Lloyd (ed.) : Spinoza. Critical assessments, Routledge, London-New York, 2001, vol. II, part VII.

"Freud, Sartre, Spinoza : the problematic of the unconscious", Giornale di Metafisica, Genova, n°17 (1995), p. 87-106. (anglais).

SPINOZA : The Letters, translated by Samuel Shirley, Introduction and notes by Steven Barbone, Lee Rice, and Jacob Adler, Hackett Publishing Company, Indianapolis/Cambridge, 1995, 404 p. (anglais). N XVIII, 6 (Henri Laux).

Spinoza : A Working Bibliography, Marquette University (bibliographie informatique). Dernière mise à jour connue : avril 1995.

RICE, Lee C. et Steven BARBONE : "La naissance d'une nouvelle politique", in Architectures de la raison. Mélanges offerts à Alexandre Matheron, textes réunis par P.-F. Moreau, ENS Editions, Fontenay-aux-Roses, 1996, p. 47-61.

"Spinoza's Infinite Extension", History of European Ideas, Oxford, t. 22, n°1 (1996), p. 33-43. (anglais).

"Spinoza's relativistic aesthetics", Tijdschrift voor filosofie, Louvain, 58/3 (1996), p. 476-489. (anglais).

RICE, Lee and Steven BARBONE : "Spinoza bibliography : 1991-1995", NASS Monograph, North American Spinoza Society, Marquette University, Milwaukee (Wisc.), 5 (1997), 45 p. (anglais).

RICE, Lee C. and Steven BARBONE : "Spinoza Bibliography : 1990", NASS Monograph, North American Spinoza Society, Marquette University, Milwaukee (Wisc.), 6 (1997), 22-32. (anglais)."Faith, obedience, and salvation in Spinoza", Lyceum, 6 (2), 1994, p. 1-20. (anglais).

"Individuation in Leibniz and Spinoza", in North American Spinoza Society : NASS Monograph, Marquette University, Milwaukee (Wisc.), 8 (1999), p.19-40 . (anglais). N XXII, 13-14 (Ohad Nachtomy).

"Paradoxes of parallelism in Spinoza", Iyyun, Jerusalem, 48 (1999), p. 37-54. (anglais).

"Spinoza and Highway Robbery", Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie, t. 80, n°2 (1998), p. 211-218. (anglais).

RICE, Lee C. and Steven BARBONE: "Spinoza and necessary existence", Philosophia : Philosophical quarterly of Israel, Ramat-Gan, t. 27, n°1-2 (1999), p. 87-97. (anglais).

"Extracts from Spinoza's Opera Posthuma. Notes by G.W. Leibniz" [1678]. Introduction by Lee Rice, p. 3-6, Translation by Samuel Shirley, in North American Spinoza Society : NASS Monograph, Marquette University, Milwaukee (Wisc.), 8 (1999), p. 7-18. (anglais). N XXII, 13-14 (Ohad Nachtomy).

"Action in Spinoza's account of affectivity", in Desire and Affect, Spinoza as Psychologist, Ethica III, edited by Yirmiyahu Yovel, Little Room Press, New York, 1999, p. 155-168. (anglais).

SPINOZA : Political Treatise, Translated by Samuel Shirley, Introduction and Notes by Steven Barbone and Lee Rice, Indianapolis/Cambridge, Hackett Publishing Company, Inc., 2000, XV-193 p. (anglais). N XXIII, 6-8 (Charles Ramond).

"Spinoza's notion of ‘tenere’ in his moral and political thought", in Ethik, Recht und Politik bei Spinoza. Vorträge gehalten anlässlich des 6. Internationalen Kongresses der Spinoza-Gesellschaft vom 5. bis 7. Oktober 2000 an der Universität Zürich, herausgegeben und eingeleitet von Marcel Senn und Manfred Walther, Schulthess, Zürich, 2001, 139-156. (anglais). N XXIV, 2 (Saverio Ansaldi).

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