Index du Bulletin de Bibliographie Spinoziste : contributions en anglais

1. Instruments de travail
2. Textes et traductions
3. Recueils collectifs
4. Vie, sources, milieu culturel
5. Études du système ou de parties du système
6. Polémiques et influences. Philosophie comparée

1. Instruments de travail

1. (1978) 01 HUBBELING, H.G. : "Short survey of recent Spinoza research", in 3. (1978) 03, p. 7-18. N I, 8.

1. (1979) E 01 KAJANTO, I. : "Aspects of Spinoza's latinity", Arctos. Acta Philologica Fennica, Helsinki, t. 13 (1979), p. 51-83. N VII, 34.

1. (1984) 02 VAN DER WERF, Theo, Heine SIEBRAND, Coen WESTERVEEN : A Spinoza Bibliography 1971-1983, Mededelingen 46 vanwege het Spinozahuis, E. J. Brill, Leiden, 1984, 201 p. N VII, 6-7 (Pierre-François Moreau).

1. (1991) 01 BOUCHER, Wayne I. : Spinoza in English. A Bibliography from the Seventeenth Century to the Present, Brill, Leiden, 1991, 226 p. N XIV, 7 (Pierre-François Moreau).

1. (1994) 02 STEENBAKKERS, Piet : Spinoza's Ethica from manuscript to print, Studies on Text, Form and Related Topics, Van Gorcum/Utrecht University, Assen/Utrecht, 1994, 206 p. N XVII, 7-9 (Filippo Mignini).

1. (1995) 02 RICE, Lee C. : Spinoza : A Working Bibliography, Marquette University (bibliographie informatique).

1. (1997) 02 North American Spinoza Society : NASS Monograph, Marquette University, Milwaukee (Wisc.), 5 (1997) : Steven BARBONE, Lee RICE, "Spinoza bibliography : 1991-1995", 45 p.

1. (1999) A 01 BOUCHER, Wayne : Spinoza in English. A bibliography from the seventeenth century to the present, 2e éd., Thoemmes Press, Bristol, 1999, xviii-340 p. Cf. 1. (1991) 01.

2. Textes et traductions

2. (1979) 01 AKKERMAN, Fokke et H.G. HUBBELING : "The Preface to Spinoza's posthumous works, 1677, and its author Jarig Jelles (c. 1619/20-1683)", Lias, Amsterdam, VI, 1979-1, p. 103-173. N II, 5-6 (Pierre-François Moreau).

2. (1981) 01 Ethics, by Benedict de Spinoza, translated by George Eliot, edited by Thomas Deegan, Universität Salzburg, coll. "Salzburg Studies in English Literature", 1981, XI-259 p.

2. (1982) 04 B. SPINOZA : The Ethics and selected Letters, translated by Samuel Shirley, edited, with an introduction, by Seymour Feldman, Indianapolis (Ind.), 1982. N V, 9.

2. (1985) 01 The Collected Works of Spinoza, edited and translated by Edwin Curley, Princeton University Press, Princeton (New Jersey), volume I, 1985, XX-727 p. (Treatise on the Emendation of the Intellect. Short Treatise on God, Man, and His Well-being. Letters 1-16. Principles of Philosophy. Letters 17-29. Ethics). N IX, 31-34 (Alexandre Matheron).

2. (1985) 04 Spinoza's Algebraic calculation of the Rainbow & Calculation of Chances, edited and translated with an introduction, explanatory notes and an appendix by Michael John Petry, Martinus Nijhoff, 's-Gravenhage (= La Haye), 1985, 159 p. N VIII, 6.

2. (1989) 01 SPINOZA : Ethics, edited, with a revised translation, by G.H.R. Parkinson, Dent & Sons, London, 1989, 259 p. N XII, 13 (Pierre-François Moreau).

2. (1989) 03. SPINOZA : Tractatus theologico-politicus, translated by Samuel Shirley, with an introduction by Brad S. Gregory, E.J. Brill, Leiden,1989, 316 p. N XII, 14 (Pierre-François Moreau).

2. (1994) 01 CURLEY, Edwin : A Spinoza Reader. The Ethics and other works, Princeton University Press, Princeton (New Jersey), 1994, 280 p. N XVII, 9-10 (Ariel Suhamy).

2. (1995) 01 SPINOZA : The Letters, translated by Samuel Shirley, Introduction and notes by Steven Barbone, Lee Rice, and Jacob Adler, Hackett Publishing Company, Indianapolis/Cambridge, 1995, 404 p. N XVIII, 6 (Henri Laux).

2. (1998) 01 SPINOZA : Principles of Cartesian Philosophy and Metaphysical Thoughts, followed by Lodewijk Meyer Inaugural Dissertation on Matter (1660), translated by Samuel Shirley, Introduction and notes by Steven Barbone and Lee Rice, Hackett, Indianapolis/Cambridge, 1998. N XXI, 1-4 (Philippe Drieux).

2. (2000) 01 SPINOZA : Ethics, edited and translated by G.H.R. Parkinson, Oxford University Press, Oxford/New York, 2000, 359 p. N XXIII, 5-6 (Steven Barbone).

2. (2000) 03 SPINOZA : Political Treatise, Translated by Samuel Shirley, Introduction and Notes by Steven Barbone and Lee Rice, Indianapolis/Cambridge, Hackett Publishing Company, Inc., 2000, XV-193 p. N XXIII, 6-8 (Charles Ramond).

3. Recueils collectifs

3. (1978) 02 "Lo Spinozismo ieri e oggi", Archivio di filosofia, Padova Casa, Roma, editrice dott. Antonio Milani, 1978, 375 p. (polyglotte : allemand, anglais, français, italien).

3. (1978) 03 Spinoza's philosophy of man. Proceedings of the Scandinavian Spinoza Symposium, 1977, edited by Jon Wetlesen, Universitetsforlaget, Oslo/Bergen/Tromsø (distributed by Global Book Resources Ltd), 1978.
Également au sommaire :
Arne NAESS, "Through Spinoza to Mahayana Buddhism or through Mahayana Buddhism to Spinoza ?" (136-158);
Jon WETLESEN, "Freedom as contemplation or action ? A reply to Arne Naess" (204-210).

3. (1978) C 01 "Spinoza in modern dress", Synthese, Dordrecht, vol. 37 n° 1, 1978, 111 p. N IV, 27. Sommaire :
Guttorm FLØISTAD : "Mind and Body in Spinoza's Ethics", p. 1-13;
Charles JARRETT : "The logical structure of Spinoza's Ethics, Part I", p. 15-65;
Joel I. FRIEDMAN : "An Overview of Spinoza's Ethics", p. 67-106;
S. C. MARTENS : "Spinoza on attributes", p. 107-111.

3. (1978) E 01 "Spinoza (1632-1677)", a cura di Emilia Giancotti-Boscherini, Giornale critico della filosofia italiana, Firenze, 4e série, vol. VIII, fasc. III-IV, luglio-dicembre 1977 [publié en 1978], p. 293-633. (polyglotte : italien, anglais, français). Au sommaire :
Edwin CURLEY, "Notes on the immortality of the soul in Spinoza's Short Treatise" (327-336);
Hermann DE DIJN, "The articulation of Nature or the relation God-modes in Spinoza" (337-344);
Guttorm FLØISTAD, "Mind and Body in Spinoza's Ethics" (345-357);
Siegfried HESSING, "A new look on Maimonides" (383-389);
H.G. HUBBELING, "Spinoza's life. A synopsis of the sources and some documents" (390-409);
R.J. MCSHEA, "Spinoza in the history of ethical theory" (427-435);
Theun DE VRIES, "Spinoza : state, religion, freedom" (591-611).

3. (1979) A 01 Spinoza. A collection of critical Essays, edited by Marjorie Grene, University of Notre Dame Press (Ind.), 2nd ed., 1979 (1st ed. : Anchor Books, New York, 1973), XVIII-390 p. N III, 15. Sommaire :
H.A. WOLFSON, "Behind the Geometrical Method" (3-24);
E.M. CURLEY, "Experience in Spinoza's Theory of Knowledge" (25-59);
David SAVAN, "Spinoza and Language" (60-72);
G.H.R. PARKINSON, "Language and Knowledge in Spinoza" (73-100);
Guttorm FLØISTAD, "Spinoza's Theory of Knowledge in the Ethics" (101-127);
H.F. HALLETT, "Substance and Its Modes" (131-163);
Alan DONAGAN, "Essence and the Distinction of Attributes in Spinoza's Metaphysics" (164-181);
Martial GUEROULT, "Spinoza's Letter on the Infinite" (182-212);
William A. EARLE, "The Ontological Argument in Spinoza" (213-219);
William A. EARLE, "The Ontological Argument in Spinoza : Twenty Years Later" (220-226);
Martha KNEALE, "Eternity and Sempiternity" (227-240);
Alan DONAGAN, "Spinoza's Proof of Immortality" (241-258);
Hans JONAS, "Spinoza and the Theory of Organism" (259-278);
Leszek KOLAKOWSKI, "The Two Eyes of Spinoza" (279-294);
Stuart HAMPSHIRE, "Spinoza and the Idea of Freedom" (297-317);
R.G. BLAIR, "Spinoza's Account of Imagination" (318-328);
Marx WARTOFSKY, "Action and Passion : Spinoza's Construction of a Scientific Psychology" (329-353);
E.M. CURLEY, "Spinoza's Moral Philosophy" (354-376);
Hilail GILDIN, "Spinoza and the Political Problem" (377-387).

3. (1979) E 02 Spinoza : A tercentenary perspective (Cincinnati, may 2 and 3, 1978), ed. Barry S. Kogan, Hebrew Union College/Jewish Institute of Religion, Cincinnati (Ohio), 1979, XIII-106 p. Sommaire :
Alfred GOTTSCHALK, "Spinoza. A Three Hundred Year Perspective" (1-4);
Richard H. POPKIN, "Spinoza's Skepticism and Anti-Skepticism" (5-35);
Lewis S. FEUER, "Spinoza's Thought and Modern Perplexities : Its American Career" (36-79);
David SAVAN, "Spinoza on Man's Knowledge of God : Intuition, Reason, Revelation and Love" (80-103);
Eugene MIHALY, "Concluding Remarks" (104-106).

3. (1980) B 01 The Philosophy of Baruch Spinoza, ed. Richard Kennington, The Catholic University of America Press, Washington (DC), serie "Studies in philosophy and the history of philosophy", v. 7, 1980, IV-323 p. N V, 26. Sommaire :
Paul WEISS, "Some Pivotal Issues in Spinoza" (3-13);
M. HOOCKER, "The Deductive Character of Spinoza's Metaphysics" (17-34);
W. DONEY, "Spinoza's Ontological Proof" (35-51);
José BERNADETE, "Spinozistic Anomalies" (53-71);
R.N. BECK, "Some Idealistic Themes in the Ethics" (73-87);
Alan DONAGAN, "Spinoza's Dualism" (89-102);
Margaret D. WILSON, "Objects, Ideas and `Minds' : Comments on Spinoza's Theory of Mind" (103-120);
Hans JONAS, "Parallelism and Complementarity : the Psycho-Physical Problem in the Succession of Niels Bohr" (121-130);
L.S. FEUER, "Spinoza's Political Philosophy : the Lessons and Problems of a Conservative Democrat" (133-153);
Hilail GILDIN, "Notes on Spinoza's Critique of Religion" (155-171);
James C. MORRISON, "Spinoza and History" (173-195);
Henry E. ALLISON, "Kant's Critique of Spinoza" (199-227);
K.L. SCHMITZ, "Hegel's Assessment of Spinoza" (229-243);
I. FRANCK, "Spinoza's Logic of Inquiry : Rationalist or Experientialist ?" (247-272);
S. UMPHREY, "De Natura" (273-291);
Richard KENNINGTON, "Analytic and Synthetic Methods in Spinoza's Ethics" (293-318).

3. (1980) B 02 Spinoza : New Perspectives, eds. Robert W. Shahan and J.I. Biro, University of Oklahoma Press, Norman (Okla.), 1978, 240 p.; reprint : ibid., 1980. Sommaire :
Thomas Carson MARK, "Truth and Adequacy in Spinozistic Ideas" (11-34);
G.H.R. PARKINSON, "'Truth is its Own Standard' : Aspects of Spinoza's Theory of Truth" (35-55);
S. Paul KASHAP, "Spinoza's Use of `Idea´" (57-70);
David R. LACHTERMAN, "The Physics of Spinoza's Ethics" (71-111);
D. RADNER, "Malebranche's Refutation of Spinoza" (113-128);
C.L. HARDIN, "Spinoza on Immortality and Time" (129-138);
William SACKSTEDER, "Spinoza on Part and Whole : the Worm's Eye View" (139-159);
Edwin M. CURLEY, "Spinoza and Recent Philosophy of Religion" (161-171);
Richard H. POPKIN, "Spinoza and La Peyrère" (177-195);
Ephraïm SHMUELI, "The Geometrical Method, Personal Caution, and the Idea of Tolerance" (197-215);
D. LEWIS, "On the Aims and Method of Spinoza's Philosophy" (217-234).

3. (1981) 03 Spinozas Ethik und ihre frühe Wirkung, herausgegeben von Konrad Cramer, Wilhelm G. Jacobs und Wilhelm Schmidt-Biggemann, Herzog August Bibliothek, Wolfenbüttel, "Wolfenbütteler Forschungen", Band 16, 1981, 130 p. (Vortrage gehalten anlasslich des 8. Wolfenbütteler Symposions vom 6. bis 8. Dezember 1979). (polyglotte : allemand, anglais). Également au sommaire : H.P. SCHÜTT, "Zu Henri Mores Widerlegung des Spinozismus" (19-50).

3. (1981) 04 Theoria cum Praxi. Zum Verhältnis von Theorie und Praxis im 17. und 18. Jahrhundert (Akten der III. Internationalen Leibnizkongresses, Hannover, 12. bis 17. november 1977), Studia leibnitiana supplementa, vol. XX, Franz Steiner Verlag, Wiesbaden, Band II : "Spinoza", 1981. (polyglotte : allemand, anglais, français).

3. (1983) 05 Spinoza : His Thought and Work. Entretiens in Jerusalem, 6-9 september 1977, eds. Nathan Rotenstreich and Norma Schneider, Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Jerusalem, 1983, 187 p. (polyglotte : allemand, anglais, français). N VI, 10-11. Au sommaire :
Nathan ROTENSTREICH, "The system and its components" (14-23);
R. MCKEON, "The background of Spinoza" (24-46);
G. FUNKE, "Anonymous presuppositions in Spinoza's philosophy" (53-70);
Yirmiyahu YOVEL, "Substance without spirit. On Hegel's critique of Spinoza" (71-84);
W. MARX, "Reply to professor Yovel" (91-98);
Yirmiyahu YOVEL, "Reply to professor Marx" (99-100);
A.Z. BAR-ON, "The ontological proof. Spinoza's version in comparison with those of St. Anselm and Descartes" (101-109);
Ruth Barcan MARCUS, "Bar-On on Spinoza's ontological proof" (110-119);
P.F. STRAWSON, "Liberty and necessity" (120-129);
Stuart HAMPSHIRE, "The political and social philosophy of Spinoza. Freedom of the individual and freedom of the citizen" (132-141);
Joseph BEN-SHLOMO, "Reply to professor Hampshire" (142-146);
Shlomo PINES, "On Spinoza's conception of human freedom and of good and evil" (147-159);
Arne NAESS, "Spinoza and attitudes towards nature" (160-175).

3. (1984) 07 Spinoza in der Frühzeit seiner religiösen Wirkung [Akten des Wolfenbütteler Symposions, 1980], hrsg. von Karlfried Gründer und Wilhelm Schmidt-Biggemann, Verlag Lambert Schneider, Heidelberg, "Wolfenbütteler Studien zur Aufklärung", Bd. 12, 1984, 248 p. (polyglotte : allemand, anglais). N VII, 9. Au sommaire :
Michael John PETRY, "Behmenism and Spinozism in the Religious Culture of the Netherlands, 1660-1730", p. 111-147;
Sarah HUTTON, "Reason and Revelation in the Cambridge Platonists, and their Reception of Spinoza", p. 181-200;
John D. WOODBRIDGE, "Richard Simon's Reaction to Spinoza's `Tractatus Theologico-Politicus´", p. 201-206.

3. (1984) 08 Spinoza's political and theological thought [International Symposium, Amsterdam, 24-27 nov. 1982], edited by Cornelis de Deugd, North-Holland publishing Company, Amsterdam, 1984, 248 p. (polyglotte : allemand, anglais, français). N VII, 9. Au sommaire :
H.G. HUBBELING, "Today's western spinozism" (7-13);
Yosef KAPLAN, "Spinoza scholarship in Israel" (19-22);
Fokke AKKERMAN, "J.H. Glazemaker, an early translator of Spinoza" (23-29);
Wolfgang BARTUSCHAT, "The ontological basis of Spinoza's theory of politics" (30-36);
Klaus HAMMACHER, "Ambition and social engagement in Hobbes' and Spinoza's political thought" (56-62);
Errol E. HARRIS, "Spinoza's treatment of natural law" (63-72);
Sarah HUTTON, "The prophetic imagination : a comparative study of Spinoza and the Cambridge platonist, John Smith" (73-81);
Yosef KAPLAN, "On the relation of Spinoza's contemporaries in the Portuguese Jewish community of Amsterdam to Spanish culture and the marrano experience" (82-94);
Wim N.A. KLEVER, "Power : conditional and unconditional" (95-106);
Ze'ev LEVY, "On Spinoza's and Mendelssohn's conceptions of the relationship between religion and state" (107-116);
Filippo MIGNINI, "Theology as the work and instrument of fortune" (127-136);
Michael John PETRY, "Hobbes and the early Dutch Spinozists" (150-170);
Richard H. POPKIN, "Spinoza and the conversion of the Jews" (171-183);
Lee C. RICE, "Piety and philosophical freedom in Spinoza" (184-205);
William SACKSTEDER, "Communal orders in Spinoza" (206-213);
Heine J. SIEBRAND, "On the early reception of Spinoza's Tractatus theologico-politicus in the context of cartesianism" (214-225).

3. (1985) 04 Spinoza nel 350° anniversario della nascità. Atti del congresso internazionale (Urbino 4-8 ottobre 1982), a cura di Emilia Giancotti, Bibliopolis, Napoli, 1985, 537 p. (polyglotte : italien, allemand, anglais, français). N VIII, 9-10 (Pierre-François Moreau). Au sommaire :
Errol E. HARRIS, "The concept of substance in Spinoza and Hegel" (p. 51-70);
Herman DE DIJN, "The compatibility of determinism and moral freedom" (p. 205-219);
Wim N.A. KLEVER, "Quasi aliquod automa spirituale" (p. 249-257);
George L. KLINE, "Absolute and relative senses of liberum and libertas in Spinoza" (p. 259-280);
Robert J. McSHEA, "Spinoza's human nature ethical theory" (p. 281-290);
Martin A. BERTMAN, "Hobbes' and Spinoza's politics" (p. 321-331);
Edwin CURLEY, "Spinoza on miracles" (p. 421-438);
Yirmiyahu YOVEL, "Marrano patterns in Spinoza" (p. 461-485);
Hubertus G. HUBBELING, "Philopater. A Dutch materialistic interpretation of Spinoza in the seventeenth century" (p. 489-514).

3. (1985) 05 Studia spinozana, Walther & Walther Verlag, Hannover, vol. 1 (1985) : "Spinoza's philosophy of society", 476 p. Special Editorial Team : E. Giancotti, A. Matheron, M. Walther, (polyglotte : allemand, anglais, français, italien). N VIII, 10-12 (Jacqueline Lagrée). Au sommaire :
Douglas J. DEN UYL, "Sociality and Social Contract : A Spinozistic perspective", p. 19-51;
Hans W. BLOM, "Politics, Virtue and Political Science : An Interpretation of Spinoza's Political Philosophy", p. 209-230;
G.A. VAN DER WAL, "Spinoza and the Idea of Reason of State", p. 275-304;
Yirmiyahu YOVEL, "Spinoza : The psychology of the multitude and the uses of language", p. 305-333;
Michael PETRY and Guido VAN SUCHTELEN, "Spinoza and the Military : A Newly-Discovered Document", p. 359-369;
Hans W. BLOM and J.M. KERKHOVEN, "A Letter Concerning an Early Draft of Spinoza's Treatise on Religion and Politics ?", p. 371-378

3. (1986) 03 Spinoza and the Sciences, eds. Marjorie Grene and Debra Nails, D. Reidel Publishing Company, Dordrecht/Boston/Lancaster/Tokyo, coll. "Boston studies in the philosophy of sciences", vol. 91, 1986, XIX-336 p. N IX, 14-15 (Marie-Hélène Belin). Sommaire :
Nancy MAULL, "Spinoza in the Century of Science" (3-13);
André LÉCRIVAIN, "Spinoza and Cartesian Mechanics" (15-60);
Heine SIEBRAND, "Spinoza and the Rise of Modern Science in the Netherlands" (61-91);
David SAVAN, "Spinoza : Scientist and Theorist of Scientific Method" (95-123);
Alexandre MATHERON, "Spinoza and Euclidean Arithmetic : The Example of the Fourth Proportional" (125-150);
Joseph AGASSI, "Towards a Canonic Version of Classical Political Theory" (153-170);
Richard H. POPKIN, "Some New Light on the Roots of Spinoza's Science of Bible Study" (171-188);
J. Thomas COOK, "Self-Knowledge as Self-Preservation ?" (191-210);
Genevieve LLOYD, "Spinoza's Version of the Eternity of the Mind" (211-233);
Hans JONAS, "Parallelism and Complementarity : the Psycho-Physical in Spinoza and in the Succession of Niels Bohr" (237-247);
Joe D. VAN ZANDT, "Res extensa and the Space-Time Continuum" (249-266);
Michel PATY, "Einstein and Spinoza" (267-302);
Debra NAILS, "Annotated Bibliography of Spinoza and the Sciences" (305-314).

3. (1986) 04 Studia spinozana, Walther & Walther Verlag, Hannover, vol. 2 (1986) : "Spinoza's Epistemology", 476 p. Special Editorial Team : Edwin Curley, Wim Klever, Filippo Mignini. (polyglotte : anglais, français). N IX, 15-16 (Marie-Hélène Belin). Au sommaire :
Herman DE DIJN, "Spinoza's Logic or Art of Perfect Thinking", p. 15-25;
Filippo MIGNINI, "Spinoza's Theory on the Active and Passive Nature of Knowledge", p. 27-58;
Don GARRETT, "Truth and Ideas of Imagination in the Tractatus de Intellectus Emendatione", p. 61-92;
Franco BIASUTTI, "Truth and Certainty in Spinoza's Epistemology", p. 109-127;
Errol E. HARRIS, "Method and Metaphysics in Spinoza", p. 129-150;
Edwin M. CURLEY, "Spinoza's Geometric Method", p. 151-169;
Wim KLEVER, "Axioms in Spinoza's Science and Philosophy of Science", p. 171-195;
H.G. HUBBELING, "The Third Way of Knowledge (Intuition) in Spinoza", p. 219-231;
Guttorm FLØISTAD, "Reality as Perfection : Some Remarks on Spinoza's Concept of a Lifeworld", p. 233-246;
Gerrit H. JONGENEELEN, "The Translator of Spinoza's Short Treatise", p. 249-264;
J.J.V.M. DE VET, "Spinoza's Authorship of Stelkonstige Reeckening van den Regenboog and of Reeckening van Kanssen once more doubtful", p. 267-309;
Wim KLEVER, "A Neglected Document of Spinozism", p. 313-350;
Wim KLEVER, "The Warning Note of a Spinoza Editor", p. 351-353;
Jacob I. DIENSTAG, "The Relations of Spinoza to the Philosophy of Maimonides : An annotated Bibliography", p. 375-416

3. (1987) A 01 Studia spinozana, Walther & Walther Verlag, Hannover, vol. 3 (1987) : "Spinoza and Hobbes", 560 p. Special Editorial Team : M. Bertman, H. de Dijn, M. Walther. (polyglotte : allemand, anglais, français). N XI, 35-39 (Jacqueline Lagrée). Sommaire :
William SACKSTEDER, "Spinoza's Attributes, Again : A Hobbesian Source", p. 125-149;
Douglas J. DEN UYL and Stuart D. WARNER, "Liberalism and Hobbes and Spinoza", p. 261-318;
Ze'ev LEVY, "The problem of normativity in Spinoza's Hebrew Grammar", p. 351-390;
Gerrit H. JONGENEELEN, "An unknown pamphlet of Adrian Koerbagh", p. 405-415;
Herman DE DIJN, "How to understand Spinoza's logic or methodology : A critical evaluation of W.N.A. Klever's commentary on Spinoza's TIE", p. 419-429;
W.N.A. KLEVER, "Spinoza's naturalism : A short reply to De Dijn", p. 431-435;
Wim KLEVER, "The Helvetius affair or Spinoza and the Philosopher's Stone : A document on the background of Letter 40", p. 439-450;
Theo VAN DER WERF, "List of Publications on Spinoza by H.G. Hubbeling", p. 465-468

3. (1988) 06 Spinoza, Science et Religion, De la méthode géométrique à l'interprétation de l'Écriture sainte, Actes du Colloque organisé par Renée Bouveresse au Centre Culturel International de Cerisy-la-Salle du 20 au 27 septembre 1982, Institut Interdisciplinaire d'Etudes Epistémologiques, Lyon, 1988 (diffusion Vrin, Paris), 214 p. N XI, 16-18 (Jacqueline Lagrée). Au sommaire :
Yirmiyahu YOVEL, "Amor fati et Amor Dei : Nietzsche and Spinoza" (p. 89-94)

3. (1988) A 01 Studia Spinozana, Königshausen & Neumann, Würzburg, vol. 4 (1988) : "Spinoza's early writings", 460 p. Special Editorial Team : F. Mignini, P.-F. Moreau, G. van Suchtelen (polyglotte : allemand, anglais, français, italien). N XII, 34 (Marie-Hélène Belin). :
Richard H. POPKIN, "Spinoza's earliest philosophical years, 1655-61" (37-55);
Anthony F. BEAVERS and Lee C. RICE, "Doubt and Belief in the Tractatus De Intellectus Emendatione" (93-119);
Wim N.A. KLEVER, "Moles in motu - Principles of Spinoza's Physics" (165-194);
Wiep VAN BUNGE, "A tragic idealist : Jacob Ostens (1630-1678)" (263-279);
Anthony J. KLIJNSMIT, "The problem of normativity solved, or Spinoza's Stand in the analogy/anomaly controversy" (305-314);
Wim N.A. KLEVER, "Spinoza interviewed by Willem van Blyenbergh" (317-320);
Wiep VAN BUNGE, "Johannes Bredenburg and the Korte Verhandeling" (321-328);
Wim KLEVER, "Letters to and from Neercassel about Spinoza and Rieuwertsz" (329-338).

3. (1989) 06 Studia spinozana, Königshausen und Neumann, Würzburg, vol. 5 (1989) : "Spinoza and Literature", 475 p. Special Editorial Team : M. Bollacher, R. Henrard, W. Klever. (polyglotte : allemand, anglais, français, italien). N XII, 15-16 (Jacqueline Lagrée). Au sommaire :
Thomas COOK, "`A whirlwind at my back...´: Spinozistic Themes in Bernard Malamud's `The Fixer´", p. 15-28;
Marcelo N. ABADI, "Spinoza in Borges' looking-glass", p. 29-42;
Alan HART, "Melville and Spinoza", p. 43-58;
Raili ELOVAARA, "Spinoza and Finnish literature", p. 59-80;
Wim KLEVER, "Spinoza in poetry. A selection", p. 81-102;
Antonio NEGRI, "Between infinity and community : Notes on materialism in Spinoza and Leopardi", p. 151-176;
Guttorm FLØISTAD, "`The Source´ : Spinoza in the writings of Gabriel Scott", p. 185-201;
Wiep VAN BUNGE, "On the early Dutch receptions of the Tractatus Theologico-Politicus", p. 225-251;
Wim KLEVER, "Spinoza and Van den Enden in Borch's diary in 1661 and 1662", p. 311-325;
Wim KLEVER, "Hudde's question on God's uniqueness : A reconstruction on the basis of Van Limborch's correspondence with John Locke", p. 327-357;
Wim KLEVER, "Spinoza's fame in 1667", p. 359-363;
Wim KLEVER, "Spinoza's Hebrew Grammar praised by Petrus van Balen", p. 365-366;
Manfred WALTHER, "Spinoza and Literature : A Supplementary by Bibliography", p. 377-386

3. (1989) A 01 MICHMAN, Joseph (ed.) : Dutch Jewish History, t. II, Proceedings of the Fourth Symposium on the History of the Jews in the Netherlands, Université hébraïque de Jérusalem/Van Gorcum, Assen/Maastricht, 1989, 438 p. N XIII, 44 (Pierre-François Moreau).

3. (1990) 04 Ethica. Notiziario trimestriale dell'Associazione per l'Aedes Spinozana d'Italia, Bologna, Anno II, n°1 (marzo 1990), 16 p. Au sommaire :
Irene PRATO, "Fausto Socino", p. 11-13

3. (1990) 06 Spinoza. Issues and Directions. The Proceedings of the Chicago Spinoza Conference (1986), edited by Edwin Curley and Pierre-François Moreau, E. J. Brill, Leiden/New York/København/Köln, coll. "Brill's Studies in Intellectual History", vol. 14, 1990, XIV-404 p. (polyglotte : anglais, français). N XIII, 22-23 (Charles Ramond). Au sommaire :
Paul EISENBERG, "On the Attributes and their Alleged Independence of One Another : A Commentary on Spinoza's Ethics IP10" (1-15);
Roger ARIEW, "The Infinite in Spinoza's Philosophy" (16-31);
Willis DONEY, "Gueroult on Spinoza's Proof of God's Existence" (32-38);
Edwin CURLEY, "On Bennett's Spinoza : the Issue of Teleology" (39-52);
Jonathan BENNETT, "Spinoza and Teleology : a Reply to Curley" (53-57);
Daniel GARBER, "Spinoza's Worlds : Reflection on Balibar on Spinoza" (77-81);
Wallace MATSON, "Body Essence and Mind Eternity in Spinoza" (82-95);
Henry ALLISON, "Spinoza's Doctrine of the Eternity of the Mind : Comments on Watson" (96-101);
Alan DONAGAN, "Homo Cogitat : Spinoza's Doctrine and some Recent Commentators" (102-112);
Genevieve LLOYD, "Spinoza on the Distinction between Intellect and Will" (113-123);
Wim KLEVER, "Anti-falsificationism : Spinoza's Theory of Experience and Experiments" (124-135);
Filippo MIGNINI, "In Order to Interpret Spinoza's Theory of the Third Kind of Knowledge : Should Intuitive Science be Considered Per causam proximam Knowledge ?" (136-146);
Herman DE DIJN, "Wisdom and Theoretical Knowledge in Spinoza" (147-156);
Yirmiyahu YOVEL, "The Third Kind of Knowledge as Alternative salvation" (157-175);
Margaret WILSON, "Comments on J.-M. Beyssade : `De l'émotion intérieure chez Descartes à l'affect actif spinoziste´" (191-195);
Amélie RORTY, "The Two Faces of Spinoza" (196-208);
José BERNADETE, "Therapeutics and Hermeneutics" (209-220);
Don GARRETT, "'A Free Man Always Acts Honestly, Not Deceptively' : Freedom and the Good in Spinoza's Ethics" (221-238);
Lee C. RICE, "Individual and Community in Spinoza's Social Psychology" (271-285);
Manfred WALTHER, "Negri on Spinoza's Political and Legal Philosophy" (286-297);
Richard POPKIN, "Spinoza and the Three Imposters" (347-358);
Errol E. HARRIS, "Schelling and Spinoza : Spinozism and Dialectic" (359-372);
George KLINE, "Pierre Macherey's Hegel or Spinoza" (373-380);
Hubertus G. HUBBELING, "Spinozism and Spinozistic Studies in the Netherlands Since World War II" (381-394).

3. (1990) 07 Studia Spinozana, Königshausen & Neumann, Würzburg, vol. 6 (1990) : "Spinoza and Leibniz", 390 p. Special Editorial Team : E. Curley, A. Heinekamp, M. Walther. (polyglotte : allemand, anglais, français). N XIII, 23-27 (Jacqueline Lagrée). Au sommaire :
Don GARRETT, "Truth, method, and correspondence in Spinoza and Leibniz" (11-43);
Franco BIASUTTI, "Reason and experience in Leibniz and Spinoza" (45-71);
Elhanan YAKIRA, "What is mathematical truth ?" (73-101);
Marcelo DASCAL, "Leibniz and Spinoza : Language and cognition" (103-145);
Olga POMBO, "Comparative lines between Leibniz's theory of language and Spinoza's reflexion on language themes" (147-177);
Jaime DE SALAS ORTUETA, "Ethics and politics in Spinoza and Leibniz" (201-217);
Ze'ev LEVY, "On some early responses to Spinoza's philosophy in Jewish thought" (251-278);
Wim KLEVER, "Proto-Spinoza Franciscus van den Enden" (281-289);
Wim KLEVER, "Steno's statements on Spinoza and spinozism" (303-313).

3. (1990) A 01 Spinoza, hrsg. von Martin Schewe und Achim Engstler, Peter Lang, Frankfurt am Main, coll. "Auslegungen hrsg. von Alphons Silbermann", Bd. 2, 1990, 370 p. (polyglotte : allemand, anglais). N XIV, 28-29 (Pierre-François Moreau). Au sommaire :
Harry A. WOLFSON, "The Geometrical Method" (1962), 87-103;
Stuart HAMPSHIRE, "The Nature of Metaphysics" (1962), 167-177;
Jonathan BENNETT, "Spinoza's Field Metaphysic" (1977), 179-194;
Arne NAESS, "Is Freedom consistent with Spinoza's Determinism ?" (1974), 227-247;
William K. FRANKENA, "Spinoza's `New Morality´ : Notes on Book IV" (1974), 249-263.

3. (1990) B 01 Dio, l'uomo, la libertà. Studi sul Breve Trattato di Spinoza [Actes du colloque de l'Aquilà, 20-23 oct. 1987], a cura di Filippo Mignini, Japadre Editore, l'Aquilà-Roma, 1990, 507 p. (polyglotte : italien, anglais, espagnol, français). N XV, 45-49 (Luisa Simonutti). Au sommaire :
Charles E. JARRETT, "The development of Spinoza's conception of immortality" (p. 147-188);
Wim KLEVER, "Determinism, the `true belief´ according to the Korte Verhandeling" (p. 189-201);
Yirmiyahu YOVEL, "Intuitive knowledge in the Korte Verhandeling and the Ethica" (p. 277-284);
Gerrit H. JONGENEELEN, "The rewriter of the Korte Verhandeling" (p. 483-492).

3. (1991) 06 YOVEL, Yirmiyahu (ed.) : God and Nature : Spinoza's Metaphysics, Papers Presented at the First Jerusalem Conference (Ethica I), E.J. Brill, Leiden/New York/København/Köln, 1991, XIII-253 p. N XIV, 11-15 (Yannis Prelorentzos). Sommaire :
Alan DONAGAN, "Substance, Essence and Attribute in Spinoza, Ethics I" (1-21);
Alexandre MATHERON, "Essence, Existence and Power in Ethics I : The Foundations of Proposition 16" (23-34);
Edwin CURLEY, "On Bennett's Interpretation of Spinoza's Monism" (35-51);
Jonathan BENNETT, "Spinoza's Monism : A Reply to Curley" (53-59);
Jean-Luc MARION, "The Coherence of Spinoza's Definitions of God in Ethics I, Proposition 11" (61-77);
Yirmiyahu YOVEL, "The Infinite Mode and Natural Laws in Spinoza" (79-96);
Emilia GIANCOTTI, "On the Problem of Infinite Modes" (97-118);
Herman DE DIJN, "Metaphysics as Ethics" (119-131);
Margaret D. WILSON, "Spinoza's Causal Axiom (Ethics I, Axiom 4)" (133-160);
Pierre MACHEREY, "From Action to Production of Effects : Observations on the Ethical Significance of Ethics I" (161-180);
Jacqueline LAGRÉE, "From External Compulsion to Liberating Cooperation : A Reply to Macherey" (181-190);
Don GARRETT, "Spinoza's Necessitarianism" (191-218);
Yosef BEN-SCHLOMO, "Substance and Attributes in the Short Treatise and in the Ethics : An Attempt at an `Existentialist´ Interpretation" (219-229);
Sylvain ZAC, "On the Idea of Creation in Spinoza's Philosophy" (231-241).

3. (1991) B 01 Studia Spinozana, Königshausen & Neumann, Würzburg, vol. 7 (1991) : "The Ethics in the `Ethics´", 397 p. Special Editorial Team : W. Klever, P.-F. Moreau, M. Walther (polyglotte : allemand, anglais, français, latin). N XVI, 32-36 (Yannis Prelorentzos). Au sommaire :
David E. WARD, "Explaining agency via Kant and Spinoza" (57-68);
Andrew COLLIER, "The materiality of morals : Mind, body and interests in Spinoza's `Ethics´" (69-93);
Gary SUGAR, "The ontological hierarchy in Spinoza's metaphysics" (161-167);
Frank LUCASH, "Ambiguity in Spinoza's concept of substance" (169-181);
Wim KLEVER, "In Defense of Spinoza : Four critical notes on modern scholarship, with an appendix" (205-223);
Wim KLEVER, "Lodewijk Meyer's ethics" (241-260).

3. (1992) 07 Hobbes e Spinoza. Scienza e politica, Atti del Convegno Internazionale - Urbino, 14-17 ottobre, 1988, a cura di Daniela Bostrenghi, introduzione di Emilia Giancotti, Bibliopolis, Napoli, 1992, XXVI-732 p. (polyglotte : italien, allemand, anglais, espagnol, français). N XV, 9-11 (Simona Ferlini). Au sommaire :
Bernard WILLMS, "Philosophia prima, Science and Politics in Hobbes" (p. 297-311);
Jeffrey BARNOUW, "The Psychological Sense and Moral and Political Significance of `Endeavor´ in Hobbes" (p. 399-416);
Martin A. BERTMAN, "Human and Divine Action and its Language in Hobbes" (p. 417-432);
Edwin CURLEY, "`I Durst Not Write So Boldly´, or How to read Hobbes' theological-political treatise" (p. 497-593);
Daniela BOSTRENGHI, "The debate" (p. 717-732).

3. (1992) 08 Inquiry, 35/1 (mars 1992), Scandinavian University Press, Oslo/Stockholm. N XV, 11-14 (Thomas Luntz). Au sommaire :
Seymour FELDMAN, "Spinoza : a marrano of Reason ?" (p. 37-48);
Henry E. ALLISON, "Spinoza and the philosophy of immanence : a reflection on Yovel's The adventures of immanence" (p.55-67);
Richard SCHACHT, "Adventures of Immanence Revisited" (p. 69-80);
Yirmiyahu YOVEL, "Spinoza and other heretics : reply to critics" (p. 81-112).

3. (1992) 09 La Ética de Spinoza. Fundamentos y significado (Actas del Congreso Internacional : Almagro, 24-26 de octubre, 1990), edicion preparada por Atilano Dominguez, Ediciones de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, Ciudad Real, 1992, 521 p. (polyglotte : espagnol, anglais, allemand, français, italien). N XV, 14-17 (Julieta Espinosa). Au sommaire :
Yirmiyahu YOVEL, "The ethics of `ratio´ and the remaining `imaginatio´" (243-248);
Errol E. HARRIS, "Constantin Brunner's interpretation of Spinoza" (439-444);
Hermann DE DIJN, "Spinoza's Ethics : from the sorrows of reason to freedom and beyond" (493-503).

3. (1992) B 01 Studia spinozana, Königshausen und Neumann, Würzburg, vol. 8 (1992) : "Spinoza's Psychology and Social Psychology", 410 p. Special Editorial Team : E. Balibar, L.C. Rice, M. Walther. (polyglotte : allemand, anglais, français, italien). N XVII, 66-69 (Yannis Prelorentzos). Sommaire :
Etienne BALIBAR, "A Note on `Consciousness/Conscience´ in the Ethics" (37-53);
Frank LUCASH, "Does Self-knowledge lead to Self-esteem ?" (55-68);
Michiel A. KEYZER, "Conatus, Freedom and the Market" (121-149);
Lee C. RICE, "Cognitivism : a Spinozistic Perspective" (209-226);
Steven BARBONE, "Spinoza and Cognitivism : a Critique" (227-231);
Wim KLEVER, "Information on Spinoza and some of his acquaintances" (297-309).

3. (1993) 03 The Renaissance and Seventeenth-century Rationalism, edited by G.H.R. Parkinson, Routledge, London/New-York, "Routledge History of Philosophy", volume IV, 1993. N XVI, 3 (Jacqueline Lagrée). Au sommaire :
- ch. 8 : G.H.R. PARKINSON, "Spinoza : metaphysics and knowledge", p. 273-312;
- ch. 9 : Hans W. BLOM, "The moral and political philosophy of Spinoza", p. 313-348).

3. (1994) 02 BALIBAR, Etienne, Helmut SEIDEL, Manfred WALTHER (hrsg.) : Freiheit und Notwendigkeit. Ethische und politische Aspekte bei Spinoza und in der Geschichte des (Anti-) Spinozismus [Actes de la 2ème session de la Spinoza-Gesellschaft (Leipzig, 24-26 sept. 1992)], Königshausen & Neumann, Würzburg 1994, 262 p. (polyglotte : allemand, anglais). N XVII, 10-11 (Hélène Frappat). Au sommaire :
Robert J. McSHEA, "Spinoza's human nature ethic" (63-69);
Marin TERPSTRA, "What does Spinoza mean by `potentia multitudinis´ ?" (85-98).

3. (1994) 09 FORCE, James E. and POPKIN, Richard (eds) : The Books of Nature and Scripture, recents essays on natural philosophy, theology and biblical criticism in the Netherlands of Spinoza's time and the British Isles of Newton's time, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht/Boston/London, "Archives internationales d'histoire des idées", n°139, 1994, 223 p. N XVII, 17-18 (Jacqueline Lagrée). Au sommaire :
Richard POPKIN, "Spinoza and Bible scholarship";
Jacqueline LAGRÉE, "Irrationality with or without Reason".

3. (1994) 10 North American Spinoza Society : NASS Monograph, Marquette University, Milwaukee (Wisc.), 2 (1994), 27 p. (polyglotte : anglais, espagnol). N XVII, 18-19 (Eugenio Fernandez). Au sommaire :
Gary FINN, "The Order of Nature and the Nature of Order in the Philosophy of Spinoza" (3-16);
Steven BARBONE, "Putting Order in Order" (17-22).

3. (1994) 14 Spinoza on Knowledge and the Human Mind, Papers presented at the Second Jerusalem Conference (Ethica II), edited by Yirmiyahu Yovel, E.J. Brill, Leiden, 1994, XII-244 p. N XVII, 29-33 (Thomas Luntz). Sommaire :
Stuart HAMPSHIRE, "Truth and Correspondence in Spinoza", 1-10;
Jonathan BENNETT, "Eight Questions about Spinoza", 11-25;
Pierre-François MOREAU, "The Metaphysics of Substance and the Metaphysics of Forms", 27-35;
Guttorm FLØISTAD, "Spinoza's Theory of Knowledge and the Part-Whole Structure of Nature", 37-47;
Alan DONAGAN, "Language, Ideas and Reasoning in Spinoza, Ethics II", 49-65;
Wallace I. MATSON, "Spinoza on Beliefs", 67-81;
Alexandre MATHERON, "Ideas of Ideas and Certainty in the Tractatus de Intellectus Emendatione and in the Ethics", 83-91;
Yirmiyahu YOVEL, "The Second Kind of Knowledge and the Removal of Error", 93-110;
Wim KLEVER, "The Truth of Error : A Spinozistic Paradox", 111-127;
Jean-Luc MARION, "Aporias and the Origins of Spinoza's Theory of Adequate Ideas", 129-158;
Elhanan YAKIRA, "Ideas of Nonexistent Modes : Ethics II Proposition 8, its Corollary and Scholium", 159-169;
Marcelo DASCAL, "Unfolding the One : `Abstract Relations´ in Spinoza's Theory of Knowledge", 171-185;
Wolfgang BARTUSCHAT, "The Infinite Intellect and Human Knowledge", 187-208;
Amihud GILEAD, "The Indispensability of the First Kind of Knowledge", 209-221;
Filippo MIGNINI, "The Potency of Reason and the Power of Fortune", 223-232.

3. (1994) A 02 Spinoza. The Enduring Questions. Essays collected in honour of David Savan, Graeme Hunter (ed.), U. of Toronto Press, coll. "Toronto Studies in Philosophy", 1994, 182 p. N XVIII, 27-28 (Ariel Suhamy). Sommaire :
David SAVAN, "Spinoza on duration, Time and Eternity" (3-30);
James C. MORRISON, "Spinoza on the Self, Personal Identity, and Immortality" (31-47);
Leslie ARMOUR, "Knowledge, Idea, and Spinoza's Notion of Immortality" (48-63);
Edwin CURLEY, "Notes on a Neglected Masterpiece : Spinoza and the Science of Hermeneutics" (64-99);
Manfred WALTHER, "Spinoza's Critique of Miracles : A Miracle of Criticism ?" (100-112);
Laura BYRNE, "Reason and Emotion in Spinoza's Ethics : The Two Infinities" (113-125);
Douglas ODEGARD, "Spinoza and Cartesian Scepticism" (126-139);
Dan NESHER, "Spinoza's Theory of Truth" (140-177).

3. (1995) 04 North American Spinoza Society : NASS Monograph, Marquette University, Milwaukee (Wisc.), 3 (1995), 35 p. Sommaire :
Charles HUENEMANN, "Modes Infinite and Finite in Spinoza's Metaphysics" (3-22);
Miquel BELTRÁN, "The God of the Tractatus Theologico-Politicus" (23-33).

3. (1995) A 02 The Spinozistic Heresy. The debate on the Tractatus Theologico-Politicus, 1670-1677 and the immediate reception of spinozism. Seminar Cortona 1991 = L'hérésie spinoziste. La discussion sur le Tractatus Theologico-Politicus, 1670-1677 et la réception immédiate du spinozisme. Colloque de Cortona 1991, ed. P. Cristofolini, APA-Holland University Press, Amsterdam & Maarssen, 1995, 264 p. (polyglotte : français, italien, anglais, allemand). N XIX, 27-29 (Julieta Espinosa). Au sommaire :
Richard H. POPKIN, "The first published reaction to Spinoza's Tractatus : Col. J.B. Stouppe, the Condé circle, and the Rev. Jean LeBrun" (p. 6-12);
J.J.V.M. DE VET, "Letter of a watchman on Zion's walls : the first reaction of Johannes Melchior to Tractatus theologico-politicus" (p. 36-48);
Wiep VAN BUNGE, "Van Velthuysen, Batelier and Bredenburg on Spinoza's interpretation of the Scriptures" (p. 49-65);
Edwin CURLEY, "Samuel Pufendorf (1632-1694) as a critic of Spinoza" (p. 89-96);
Sarah HUTTON, "Henry Oldenburg (1617/20-1677) and Spinoza" (p. 106-119);
Richard H. POPKIN, "The convertible Jew" (p. 119-122).

3. (1995) B 01 = 5. (1995) B 03

3. (1996) 04 North American Spinoza Society : NASS Monograph, Marquette University, Milwaukee (Wisc.), 4 (1996), 44 p. N XIX, 6-7 (Jacqueline Lagrée).
Olli KOISTINEN, "Weakness of Will in Spinoza's Theory of Human Motivation" (3-19);
Viren MURTHY, "The Conatus, the Social and `Self-Sacrifice´ in Spinoza" (21-42).

3. (1996) 07 The Cambridge Companion to Spinoza, edited by Don Garrett, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (U.K.), 1996, XIII-465 p. N XIX, 7-8 (Steven Barbone). Sommaire :
Wim N.A. KLEVER, "Spinoza's life and works", 13-60;
Jonathan BENNETT, "Spinoza's metaphysics", 61-88;
Margaret D. WILSON, "Spinoza's theory of knowledge", 89-141;
Alan GABBEY, "Spinoza's natural science and methodology", 142-191;
Michael DELLA ROCCA, "Spinoza's metaphysical psychology", 192-266;
Don GARRETT, "Spinoza's ethical theory", 267-314;
Edwin CURLEY, "Kissinger, Spinoza, and Genghis Khan", 315-342;
Alan DONAGAN, "Spinoza's theology", 343-382;
Richard H. POPKIN, "Spinoza and Bible scholarship", 383-407;
Pierre-François MOREAU, "Spinoza's reception and influence", 408-433.

3. (1996) A 02 Studia spinozana, vol. 10 (1994) : "Spinoza and Descartes", Königshausen & Neumann, Würzburg, 1996, 411 p. (polyglotte : allemand, anglais, français). Special Editorial Team : J.-M. Beyssade, Wim Klever, Margaret Wilson. N XX, 17-19 (Jacqueline Lagrée). Au sommaire :
Presentation (15-17)
Michael DELLA ROCCA : "Mental Content and Skepticism in Descartes and Spinoza" (15-42);
Daniel GARBER : "Descartes and Spinoza on Persistence and Conatus" (43-67);
Frederick ABLONDI and Steve BARBONE : "Individual Identity in Descartes and Spinoza" (69-92);
Wim KLEVER : "Actual infinity : A note on the Crescas-passus in Spinoza's letter (12) to Lodewijg Meijer" (111-119);
Roberto BORDOLI : "Account of a curious traveller on libertijn milieu of Amsterdam" (175-182).

3. (1996) B 01 Studia Spinozana, vol. 11 (1995) : "Spinoza's philosophy of religion", Königshausen & Neumann, Würzburg, 1996, 373 p. Special Editorial Team : H de Dijn, F.Mignini, P. van Rooden. N XXI, 36-39 (Jacqueline Lagrée). Au sommaire :
Filippo MIGNINI : "Presentation" (11-13);
J. Thomas COOK : "Did Spinoza lie to his landlady ?" (15-37);
Hermann DE DIJN : "Spinoza and revealed religion" (39-52);
T.L.S. SPRIGGE : "Does true religion require any particular beliefs about historical fact ?" (137-163);
Ernestine VAN DER WALL : "The Tractatus Theologico-politicus and dutch calvinism, 1670-1700" (201-226);
Jonathan ISRAEL : "Spinoza, King Solomon, and Frederik van Leenhof's Spinozistic republicanism" (303-317).

3. (1997) 04 North American Spinoza Society : NASS Monograph, Marquette University, Milwaukee (Wisc.), 6 (1997). Sommaire :
Gideon SEGAL : "Ideas, Affects and Causality" (3-21);
Steve BARBONE, Lee RICE : "Spinoza Bibliography : 1990" (22-32).

3. (1997) A 01 Spinoziana, Richerche di terminogia filosofica e critica testuale, [Actes du séminaire international tenu à Rome les 29-30 septembre 1995], a cura di Pina Totaro, Leo S. Olschki editore, Firenze, "Lessico Intellettuale Europeo", LXXII, 1997, 280 p. N XXI, 24-25 (Ariel Suhamy). Au sommaire :
Edwin CURLEY : "Troublesome terms for translators in the TTP".

3. (1999) 03 North American Spinoza Society : NASS Monograph, Marquette University, Milwaukee (Wisc.), 8 (1999), 48 p. N XXII, 13-14 (Ohad Nachtomy). Sommaire :
– "Extracts from Spinoza's Opera Posthuma. Notes by G.W. Leibniz" [1678]. Introduction by Lee Rice, p. 3-6, Translation by Samuel Shirley, p. 7-18.
Lee C. RICE : "Individuation in Leibniz and Spinoza", p.19-40.
Frederick ABLONDI : "A Note on De Mairan and Spinozism", p. 41-45.

3. (1999) A 01 Desire and Affect, Spinoza as Psychologist, Ethica III, edited by Yirmiyahu Yovel, Little Room Press, New York, 1999, 294 p. N XXIII, 24-26 (Mériam Korichi). Sommaire :
Charles JARRET, "Teleology and Spinoza's doctrine of final causes", p. 3-23;
Konrad CRAMER : "Spinoza's refutation on interactionism : remarks on proposition 2 of part III of Spinoza's Ethics", p. 25-43;
Yirmiyahu YOVEL : "Transcending Mere Survival : From Conatus to Conatus Intelligendi", p. 45-61;
Michael SCHRIJVERS : "The Conatus and the Mutual Relationship Between Active and Passive Affects in Spinoza", p. 63-80;
Osamu UENO : "Res nobis similis : desire and the double in Spinoza", p. 81-91;
Donald DAVIDSON : "Spinoza's Causal Theory of the Affects", p. 95-111;
Jean-Marie BEYSSADE : "Nostri Corporis Affectus : Can an Affect in Spinoza ‘be of the body’ ?", p.113-128;
Emilia GIANCOTTI : "The Theory of the Affects in the Strategy of Spinoza's Ethics", p. 129-138);
Aaron BEN-ZE'EV : "Emotion and Change : A Spinozistic Account", p. 139-154;
Lee C. RICE : "Action in Spinoza's account of affectivity", p. 155-168;
Amihud GILEAD : "Human affects of properties of cognitions in Spinoza's philosophical psychotherapy", p. 169-181;
Myriam REVAULT D'ALLONNES : "Affect of the body and socialization", p. 183-190;
Piet STEENBAKKERS : "The Passions According to Lodewijk Meyer : Between Descartes and Spinoza", p. 193-209;
Richard SCHACHT : "The Spinoza-Nietzsche problem", p. 211-232;
Nico H. FRIJDA : "Spinoza and Current Theory of Emotion", p. 235-264;
Michiel A. KEYZER : "Spinoza and micro-economics", p. 265-281.

3. (2000) 08 MASON, Richard : "Spinoza or Pascal ? Two views on religion", Mededelingen vanwege het Spinozahuis, n°76, Eburon, Delft, 2000, 16 p.

3. (2000) 09 North American Spinoza Society : NASS Monograph, Marquette University, Milwaukee (Wisc.), 9 (2000). Sommaire :
Jeffrey BERNSTEIN : "Love and Friendship in Spinoza's Thinking" (p. 3-16);
Wim N.A. KLEVER : "Spinoza's Concept of Christian Piety : Defense of a Text Correction by Bruder in the TTP" (p. 17-27);
Errol E. HARRIS : "Esotericism and Spinoza" (p. 28-43).

3. (2000) A 01 ARIEW, Roger and Eric WATKINS (eds.) : Readings in Modern Philosophy, volume I : Descartes, Spinoza, Leibniz and Associated Texts, Hackett Publishing Company, Indianapolis, 2000, 314 p.

3. (2001) 02 Ethik, Recht und Politik bei Spinoza. Vorträge gehalten anlässlich des 6. Internationalen Kongresses der Spinoza-Gesellschaft vom 5. bis 7. Oktober 2000 an der Universität Zürich, herausgegeben und eingeleitet von Marcel Senn und Manfred Walther), Schulthess, Zürich, 2001, 260 p. N XXIV, 1-2 (Saverio Ansaldi). Au sommaire :
Herman DE DIJN : "Theory and practice and the practice of theory" (47-58);
Lee C. RICE : "Spinoza's notion of ‘tenere’ in his moral and political thought" (139-156);
Judith SZALAI : "The problem of justification in Spinoza's ‘political liberalism’" (189-194).

3. (2001) 03 LLOYD, Genevieve (ed.) : Spinoza. Critical assessments, Routledge, London-New York, 2001, 4 volumes. Vol. I : Context, sources and the early writings, xxx-410 p. Vol. II : The Ethics, xviii-390 p. Vol. III : The political writings, xvi-348 p. Vol. IV : The reception and influence of Spinoza's philosophy, xviii-370 p. Sommaire :
Vol. I : Context, sources and the early writings
Part I. Spinoza's Life and Intellectual Context
1. Wim N.A. KLEVER : "Spinoza's life and works";
2. Richard H. POPKIN : "Spinoza's earliest philosophical years, 1655-61";
3. Asa KASHER and Shlomo BIDERMAN : "Why was Baruch Spinoza excommunicated ?";
4. Gilles DELEUZE : "Life of Spinoza";
Part II. Spinoza's Sources
5. Paul Oskar KRISTELLER : "Stoic and Neoplatonic sources of Spinoza's Ethics";
6. Susan JAMES : "Spinoza the Stoic";
7. Derek PEREBOOM : "Stoic psychotherapy in Descartes and Spinoza";
8. Henry Walter BRANN : "Spinoza and the Kabbalah";
9. Warren Zev HARVEY : "A portrait of Spinoza as a Maimonidean";
10. William SACKSTEDER : "How much of Hobbes might Spinoza have read ?";
11. Christopher E. LEWIS : "Baruch Spinoza, a critic of Robert Boyle : On matter";
12. David SAVAN : "Spinoza : Scientist and theorist of scientific method";
Part III. The Early Writings
13. Edwin CURLEY : "Spinoza — as an expositor of Descartes";
14. Filippo MIGNINI : "Spinoza's theory on the active and passive nature of knowledge";
15. Paul D. EISENBERG : "How to understand De Intellectus Emendatione";
16. Herman DE DIJN : "Spinoza's logic or art of perfect thinking";
17. Alexandre MATHERON : "Ideas of ideas and certainty in the Tractatus de Intellectus Emendatione and in the Ethics";
18. Anthony F. BEAVERS and Lee C. RICE : "Doubt and belief in the Tractatus de Intellectus Emendatione";
19. Edwin CURLEY : "Notes on the immortality of the soul in Spinoza's Short Treatise";
20. Heidi M. RAVVEN : "Spinoza's individualism reconsidered : some lessons from the Short Treatise on God, Man, and His Well-Being";
Vol. II : The Ethics
Part IV. God : Substance and Attributes
21. Don GARRETT : "Spinoza's ‘ontological’ argument";
22. Don GARRETT : "Ethics IP5 : Shared attributes and the basis of Spinoza's monism";
23. Alan DONAGAN : "Essence and the distinction of attributes in Spinoza's metaphysics";
24. Margaret D. WILSON : "Spinoza's Causal Axiom (Ethics I, Axiom 4)";
Part V. Minds and Bodies
25. Margaret D. WILSON : "Objects, ideas, and ‘minds’ : Comments on Spinoza's theory of mind";
26. Jonathan BENNETT : "Spinoza's mind-body identity thesis";
27. Margaret D. WILSON : "Notes on Modes and Attributes";
28. Michael DELLA ROCCA : "Causation and Spinoza's claim of identity";
29. Michael DELLA ROCCA : "Spinoza's argument for the identity theory";
30. Jacob ADLER : "Spinoza's physical philosophy";
Part VI. The Will : Judgement and the Passions"
31. Edwin CURLEY : "Descartes, Spinoza and the Ethics of Belief";
32. John G. COTTINGHAM : "The intellect, the will, and the passions : Spinoza's critique of Descartes";
Part VII. Issues of Life and Death
33. Sylvain ZAC : "Life in the philosophy of Spinoza";
34. Wallace MATSON : "Death and destruction in Spinoza";
35. Steve BARBONE and Lee RICE : "Spinoza and the problem of suicide";
Part VIII. Love, Desire and the Transition to Freedom
36. Amelie RORTY : "The two faces of Spinoza";
37. Amelie RORTY : "Spinoza on the pathos of idolatrous love and the hilarity of true love";
38. Heidi M. RAVVEN : "Spinoza's materialist ethics : the education of desire";
39. Herman DE DIJN : "Naturalism, freedom and ethics in Spinoza";
Part IX. The Eternity of Mind
40. Alan DONAGAN : "Spinoza's proof of immortality";
41. David SAVAN : "Spinoza on duration, time and eternity";
Vol. III : The political writings
Part X. Politics, Religion and Society
42. Hans BLOM : "Politics, virtue and the political science : An interpretation of Spinoza's political philosophy";
43. William SACKSTEDER : "Communal orders in Spinoza";
44. Etienne BALIBAR : "Jus-Pactum-Lex : on the constitution of the subject in the Theologico-Political Treatise";
45. Yirmiyahu YOVEL : "Spinoza : The psychology of the multitude and the uses of language";
Part XI. Liberalism, Power and Democracy
46. Gerald M. MARA : "Liberal politics and moral excellence in Spinoza's political philosophy";
47. Alexandre MATHERON : "The theoretical function of democracy in Spinoza and Hobbes";
48. Edwin CURLEY : "The state of nature and its law in Hobbes and Spinoza";
49. Edwin CURLEY : "Kissinger, Spinoza and Genghis Khan";
50. Steven B. SMITH : "Spinoza's democratic turn : Chapter 16 of the Theologico-Political Treatise";
51. Giuseppa S. BATTISTI : "Democracy in Spinoza's unfinished Tractatus Politicus";
Part XI. Freedom and Responsibility
52. David WEST : "Spinoza on positive freedom";
53. Isaih BERLIN : "A Reply to David West";
54. Moira GATENS : "Spinoza, law and responsibility";
55. Michael A. ROSENTHAL : "Why Spinoza chose the Hebrews : the exemplary function of prophecy in the Theological-Political Treatise";
56. Manfred WALTHER : "Spinoza's critique of miracles : a miracle of criticism ?";
57. Berel LANG : "The politics of interpretation : Spinoza's modernist turn";
58. Edwin CURLEY : "Notes on a neglected masterpiece : Spinoza and the science of hermeneutics";
Vol. IV : The reception and influence of Spinoza's philosophy
59. Pierre-François MOREAU : "Spinoza's reception and influence";
60. Geneviève BRYKMAN : "Bayle's case for Spinoza";
61. Yeun-Ting LAI : "The linking of Spinoza to Chinese thought by Bayle and Malebranche";
62. Daisie RADNER : "Malebranche's refutation of Spinoza";
63. Douglas J. DEN UYL : "Passion, state and progress : Spinoza and Mandeville on the nature of human association";
64. J. Samuel PREUS : "Spinoza, Vico and the imagination of religion";
65. J.C. MORRISON : "Christian Wolff's criticisms of Spinoza";
66. Wim KLEVER : "Hume contra Spinoza ? ";
67. Wim KLEVER : "More about Hume's debt to Spinoza";
68. Annette C. BAIER : "David Hume, Spinozist";
69. Henry E. ALLISON : "Kant's critique of Spinoza";
70. Errol E. HARRIS : "Schelling and Spinoza : Spinozism and Dialectic";
71. G.H.R. PARKINSON : "Hegel, Pantheism and Spinoza";
72. Henry Walter BRANN : "Schopenhauer and Spinoza";
73. Richard SCHACHT : "The Nietzsche-Spinoza problem : Spinoza as precursor ?";
74. G.H.R. PARKINSON : "Spinoza and British idealism : the case of H.H. Joachi";
75. Véronique M. FOTI : "Thought, affect, drive and pathogenesis in Spinoza and Freud";
76. R.G. BLAIR : "Imagination and freedom in Spinoza and Sartre";
77. Henry PIETERSMA : "Merleau-Ponty and Spinoza";
78. Arne NAESS : "Spinoza and ecology";
79. Genevieve LLOYD : "Spinoza's environmental ethics";
80. Arne NAESS : "Environmental ethics and Spinoza's ethics";
81. K.L.F. HOULE : "Spinoza and ecology revisited".

4. Vie, sources, milieu culturel

4. (1978) 03 GIANCOTTI-BOSCHERINI, Emilia : "Man as a part of nature", in 3. (1978) 03, p. 85-96. N I, 11 (Pierre-François Moreau).

4. (1978) 14 WIENPAHL, Paul : "Spinoza and Mysticism", in 3. (1978) 03, p. 211-224. N I, 14.

4. (1978) A 01 KASHER, Asa et Shlomo BIDERMAN : "When was Spinoza banned ?", Studia Rosenthaliana, Assen, t. XII, 1-2 (juillet 1978), p. 108-110.

4. (1978) A 03 ROWEN, H. H. : John de Witt, Grand Pensionary of Holland, 1625-1672, Princeton University Press, Princeton (New Jersey), 1978, 948 p. N II, 21.

4. (1978) B 01 SCHORSCH, I. : "From Messianism to Realpolitik : Menasseh ben Israel and the readmission of the Jews to England", Proceedings of the american academy for jewish research, New York, t. 45 (1978), p. 187-208.

4. (1979) A 01 FRANCK, I. : "Spinoza's onslaught on Judaism", Judaism, New York, t. 28, n°2 (1979), p. 177-193. N III, 16.

4. (1979) A 02 POPKIN, Richard H. : The History of scepticism from Erasmus to Spinoza, University of California Press, Berkeley (Calif.), 1979, 333 p. (p. 229-248). N III, 16.

4. (1979) A 03 YATES, F. : The Occult Philosophy in the Elizabethan Age, Routledge and Kegan Paul, London, 1979, X-217 p. N III, 16.

4. (1979) B 01 BEDFORD, R. D. : The Defense of Truth : Herbert de Cherbury and the seventeenth century, Manchester U.P., 1979. N IV, 24.

4. (1979) D 01 BLOM, Hans Werner : "Political science in the golden Age. Criticism, History and Theory in Dutch 17th century political thought", The Nederlands Journal of sociology, Amsterdam, t. XV (1979), p. 47-71. N VI, 26.

4. (1980) 01 HARVEY, W.Z. : "Albo's discussion of time", Jewish Quarterly Review, t. 70, n°4 (1980), p. 210-238. N III, 4.

4. (1980) A 01 AKKERMAN, Fokke : Studies in the posthumous works of Spinoza. On style, earliest translation and reception, earliest and modern edition of some texts, Thèse, Groningen, 1980. N IV, 19 (Pierre-François Moreau).

4. (1980) A 02 HAITSIMA MULIER, E.O.G. : The Myth of Venice and Dutch republican thought in the seventeenth century, Van Gorcum, Assen, 1980, 237 p. N IV, 20.

4. (1980) A 04 KAPLAN, Yosef : "R. Saül Levi Morteira's Treatise : Arguments against the christian religion", Immanuel, Jerusalem, n°11 (1980), p. 95-112. N IV, 20.

4. (1980) B 03 SACKSTEDER, William : "How much of Hobbes might Spinoza have read ?", Southwestern Journal of Philosophy, Norman (Okl.), 11 (1980), p. 25-40.

4. (1980) B 04 SCHNEIDER, I. : "Christiaan Huygens's Contribution to the development of a calculus of probabilities", Janus, 67, n°4 (1980), p. 269-279. N V, 27.

4. (1981) 03 FUKS, L. et R. : "Menasseh ben Israel as a bookseller in the light of new data", Quaerendo, Amsterdam, XI-1 (1981), p. 34-45. N IV, 3.

4. (1981) A 02 HARVEY, W.Z. : "A Portrait of Spinoza as a Maimonidian", Journal of the history of philosophy, Berkeley (Calif.), t. 19 (1981), p. 151-172. N V, 22.

4. (1981) C 01 KAPLAN, Yosef : "The portuguese Jews in Amsterdam. From forced Conversion to a return to Judaism", Studia Rosenthaliana, Assen, XV (1981), p. 37-51.

4. (1981) C 02 SCHOFFER, I. : "The Jews in the Nederlands : the position of a minority through three centuries", Studia Rosenthaliana, Assen, XV (1981), p. 85-100.

4. (1982) 02 KATZ, David S. : Philo-semitism and the readmission of the Jews to England, 1603-1655, Clarendon Press, Oxford, "Oxford Historical Monographs", 1982, 286 p. N V, 10-11.

4. (1982) 03 VAZ DIAS, A.M. et W.G. VAN DER TAK : Spinoza Merchant and Autodidact (1933), rééd. Studia Rosenthaliana, Assen, XVI-2, 1982, 92 p. N V, 11.

4. (1982) B 01 POPKIN, Richard H. : "Spinoza, the quackers and the millenarians 1656-58", Manuscrito, Universidade estadual de Campinas, São Paulo, VI/1 (1982/1983), p. 113-133. N VII, 29 (Pierre-François Moreau).

4. (1984) 02 KAPLAN, Yosef : "The social functions of the herem in the portuguese jewish community of Amsterdam in the 17th century", in Dutch Jewish History. Proceedings of the Symposium on the History of the Jews in the Netherlands, Jérusalem, 1984, p. 111-155. N VII, 10.

4. (1984) 05 POPKIN, Richard H. : "Spinoza's relations with the Quakers in Amsterdam", Quaker History, Haverford (Pa), t. 73, p. 14-28. N VII, 11.

4. (1984) 06 POPKIN, Richard H. : "Menasseh ben Israel and Isaac La Peyrère, II", Studia Rosenthaliana, Assen, XVIII, 1 (1984), p. 12-20. N VII, 11.

4. (1984) E 02 BEDJAÏ, Marc : "La lumière sur le candélabre"(1662) de Pierre Balling. Fragment d'un enseignement spinoziste & Inedita spinozana, publié par l'auteur, Paris, 1984, 117 p. Reproduction du texte de Balling Het Licht op den Kandelaar et de la version anglaise attribuée à Furley; traduction de cette version anglaise dans l'introduction (p. 4-48). (français-néerlandais-anglais). N XII, 53.

4. (1985) 04 KAPLAN, Yosef : "The travels of portuguese Jews from Amsterdam to the lands of idolatry (1644-1724)", in Y. Kaplan (éd.) : Jews and Conversos, Magnes Press, Jerusalem, 1985.

4. (1985) 08 POPKIN, Richard H. : "Spinoza and Samuel Fisher", Philosophia, Ramat-Gan, t. XV, n°3 (1985), p. 219-236.

4. (1985) 11 SACCARO-BATTISTI, Giuseppa : "Herrera and Spinoza on divine Attributes", Italia (1985), Magnes Press, Jerusalem, p. 21-58.

4. (1986) 03 POPKIN, Richard H. : "Serendipity at the Clark : Spinoza and the Prince of Condé", The Clark Newsletter, University of California, Los Angeles, n°10 (1986). N IX, 19.

4. (1986) 05 SIEBRAND, Heine J. : "Dutch Cartesianism and Spinozism, an introduction", Guest-lectures and seminar papers on spinozism, edited by Wim Klever, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, n°2, 1986, 17 p. N IX, 19 (Jacqueline Lagrée).

4. (1987) 03 FELL, Margaret : A Loving Salutation, édité par R.H. Popkin et M.A. Signer, Van Gorcum, Assen, 1987, 106 p. (anglais/hébreu). N X, 17-18 (Pierre-François Moreau).

4. (1987) B 03 POPKIN, Richard H. : Isaac La Peyrère (1596-1676), His Life, Work and Influence, E. J. Brill, Leiden, 1987, 241 p. N XII, 45 (Jacqueline Lagrée).

4. (1988) B 01 NUCHELMANS, Gabriel : Geulincx' containment theory of logic, Koninklijke nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen, deel 51, n°8, Noord-Hollansche Uitgevers Maatschappij, Amsterdam/Oxford/New York, 1988, 58 p. N XIII, 48-49 (Jacqueline Lagrée).

4. (1989) 03 LEVY, Ze'ev : Baruch or Benedict. On some Jewish Aspects of Spinoza's Philosophy, Peter Lang, Frankfurt am Main/Bern, 1989, 224 p. N XII, 18-19 (Pierre-François Moreau).

4. (1989) 05 Menasseh ben Israel and his World, edited by Yosef Kaplan, Henry Méchoulan and Richard H. Popkin, E.J. Brill, Leiden, 1989, IX-278 p. N XII, 19-20 (Pierre-François Moreau). Sommaire :
Yosef Kaplan, "A Generation of Progress in the Historical Study of Dutch Sephardic Jewry" (1-6);
Arthur H. WILLIAMSON, "The Jewish Dimension of the Scottish Apocalypse : Climate, Covenant and World Renewal" (7-30);
Avihu ZAKAI, "Thomas Brightman and English Apocalyptic Tradition" (31-44);
Yosef Kaplan, "Political Concepts in the World of the Portuguese Jews of Amsterdam during the Seventeenth Century : The Problem of Exclusion and the Boundaries of Self-Identity" (45-62);
Richard H. POPKIN, "The Rise and Fall of the Jewish Indian Theory" (63-82);
Henry MÉCHOULAN, "Menasseh ben Israel and the World of the Non-Jew» (83-97);
Jan VAN DEN BERG, "Menasseh ben Israel, Henry More and Johannes Hoornbeeck on the Pre-existence of the Soul" (98-116);
David S. KATZ, "Menasseh ben Israel's Christian Connection : Henry Jessey and the Jews" (117-138);
Jonathan I. ISRAEL, "Menasseh ben Israel and the Dutch Sephardic Colonization Movement of the Mid-Seventeenth Century (1645-1657)" (139-163);
Ernestine G.E. VAN DER WALL, "Petrus Serrarius and Menasseh ben Israel : Christian Millenarianism and Jewish Messianism in Seventeenth-Century Amsterdam" (164-190);
A.K. OFFENBERG, "Some Remarks regarding Six Autograph Letters by Menasseh ben Israel in the Amsterdam University Library" (191-198);
Josef DAN, "Menasseh ben Israel : Attitude towards the Zohar and Lurianic Kabbalah" (199-206);
Moshe IDEL, "Kabbalah, Platonism and Prisca Theologia : The Case of R. Menasseh ben Israel" (207-219);
Asa KASHER, "How Important Was Menasseh ben Israel ?" (220-227);
Harold FISCH, "The Messianic Politics of Menasseh ben Israel" (228-239);
Antonio JOSÉ SARAIVA, "Bocarro-Rosales and the Messianism of the Sixteenth Century" (240-243);
Rivka SCHATZ, "Menasseh ben Israel's Approach to Messianism in the Jewish-Christian Context" (244-261);
Michael HEYD, "Menasseh ben Israel as a Meeting Point of Jewish and European History : Some Summary Comments" (262-267).

4. (1989) 07 VAZ DIAS, A.M. : Spinoza and Simon Joosten De Vries (1936); W.G. VAN DER TAK : Jarich Jellesz' origins; Jellesz' life and business (1948-49). Mededelingen vanwege het Spinozahuis, 59, Eburon, Delft, 1989, 22 p. N XII, 20-21 (Jacqueline Lagrée).

4. (1989) A 02 KAPLAN, Yosef : From Christianity to Judaism. The Story of Isaac Orobio de Castro, translated from the Hebrew by Raphael Loewe, Littman Library/Oxford U.P., 1989, 531 p. N XIII, 46-47 (C. L. Wilke).

4. (1990) 04 KASHER, Asa et Shlomo BIDERMAN : "Why was Baruch de Spinoza excommunicated?" in David S. Katz and Jonathan I. Israel (eds.) : Sceptics, Millenarians and Jews, Brill, Leiden, 1990, p. 98-141. N XIII, 29-30 (Miriam Silvera).

4. (1990) 08 WESSELIUS, Jan Wim : "Spinoza's excommunication and related matters", Studia Rosenthaliana, Assen, 1 (1990), p. 43-63. N XIII, 31-32 (Miriam Silvera).

4. (1991) 01 AKKERMAN, Fokke : "A Spinozistic Perspective on the Jephthah Tragedies by George Buchanan (c.1543) and Joost van den Vondel (1659)", in Acta Conventus neo-latini torontonensis, Medieval and Renaissance texts and studies, Binghamton (N. Y.), 1991, p. 165-176. N XIV, 15.

4. (1991) 03 KLEVER, Wim : "A New Source of Spinozism : Franciscus Van den Enden", Journal of the History of Philosophy, Berkeley (Calif.), t. 29/4 (1991), p. 613-631. N XIV, 16.

4. (1991) A 01 KLEVER, Wim : Verba et sententiae Spinozae or Lambert van Velthuysen (1622-1685) on Benedictus de Spinoza, APA, Amsterdam/Maarssen, 1991, V-92 p. N XV, 43-45 (Pierre Temkine).

4. (1993) 02 JAMES, Susan : "Spinoza the Stoic", in The Rise of modern Philosophy, edited by Tom Sorell, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1993, p. 289-316.

4. (1993) B 01 DA COSTA, Uriel : Examen das tradições phariseas/Examination of Pharisaic Traditions, supplemented by Semuel da Silva's Treatise of the Immortality of the Soul, Translation, notes and introduction by H.P. Salomon and I.D. Sassoon, Brill, Leiden, 1993, XXIII-578 p. (portugais/anglais). N XVIII, 35-36 (Pierre-François Moreau).

4. (1995) 01 BLOM, Hans W. : Causality and morality in Politics. The Rise of Naturalism in Dutch Seventeenth-Century Political Thought, Thèse (université d'Utrecht), 1995. N XVIII, 7-8 (Pierre-François Moreau).

4. (1996) E 01 Studia Spinozana, vol. 12 (1996) : "Spinoza and Ancient Philosophy", Königshausen & Neumann, Würzburg, 1996, 329 p. Editorial Team : Franco Chiereghin, Pierre-François Moreau, Manfred Walther. N XXIV, 26-28 (Frédéric Manzini). Au sommaire :
Presentation (11-12);
Odysseus MAKRIDIS : "Spinoza's rejection of classical hedonism" (73-104);
Jacob ADLER : "Letters of Judah Alfakhar and David Kimhi" (141-168);
Paul J. BAGLEY : "Religious salvation and civic welfare : ‘salus’ in Spinoza's Tractatus theologico-politicus" (169-184);
Peter PESIC : "Einstein and Spinoza : Determinism and identicality reconsidered" (195-203);
Errol E. HARRIS : "Spinoza did not lie to his Landlady" (207-209);
Thomas COOK : "Reply to Harris" (211-212);
Reports and information (215-231);
Timofei DMITRIEV : "XIX-XX Centuries Russian Literature Bibliography about Spinoza" (235-264);
Review (267-321).

4. (1998) 01 GULLAN-WHUR, Margaret : Within reason : a life of Spinoza. Jonathan Cape, London, 1998, XVIII+398 p. N XXI, 7-12 (Piet Steenbakkers).

4. (1999) 02 NADLER, Steven : Spinoza. A life, Cambridge University Press, 1999, 407 p. N XXII, 18-19 (Frédéric Brahami).

4. (1999) A 01 EKKART, Rudi : Spinoza in beeld. Het onbekende gezicht / Spinoza in portrait. The unknown face, Vereniging het Spinozahuis, 1999, 32 p. (néerlandais/anglais). N XXIII, 27-28 (Pierre François Moreau).

4. (2001) 02 ISRAEL, Jonathan : Radical Enlightenment. Philosophy and the Making of Modernity 1650-1750, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2001, 810 p., 23 ill. N XXIV, 4-5 (Lorenzo Vinciguerra).

4. (2001) 03 KOISTINEN, Olli I. and John I. BIRO (eds) : Spinoza : Metaphysical Themes, Oxford University Press, New York, 2001, 320 p. Sommaire :
Michael DELLA ROCCA : "Spinoza's Substance Monism" (11-37);
John CARRIERO : "Monism in Spinoza" (38-59);
Olli KOISTINEN : "Causation in Spinoza" (60-72);
Richard MASON : "Concrete Logic" (73-88);
Steve BARBONE : "What counts as an Individual for Spinoza ?" (89-112);
Peter DALTON : "Mirroring Spinoza's Mind" (113-126);
Don GARRETT : "Spinoza's Conatus Argument" (127-158);
Charles JARRETT : "Spinoza on the Relativity of Good and Evil" (159-181);
Richard N. MANNING : "Spinoza, Thoughtful Teleology, and the Causal Significance of Content" (182-209);
Charles HUENEMANN : "The Middle Spinoza" (210-220);
Mark A. KULSTAD : "Leibniz, Spinoza, and Tschirnhaus : Metaphysics à trois" (221-240).

4. (2001) 04 NADLER, Steven : Spinoza's Heresy. Immortality and the Jewish Mind, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2001, 225 p.

4. (2001) 05 SPRIGGE, T.L.S. : "On Margaret Gullan-Whur's Within reason : a life of Spinoza and Steve Nadler's Spinoza : a life", International Philosophical Quarterly, New York-Louvain, v. 41, n°1 (2001), p. 91-97.

4. (2001) 06 VAN BUNGE, Wiep : From Stevin to Spinoza. An Essay on Philosophy in the Seventeenth-Century Dutch Republic, Brill, Leiden-Boston-Köln, 2001, 213 p. N XXIV, 6-7 (Jacqueline Lagrée).

5. Études du système ou de parties du système

5. (1978) 03 CARR, Spencer : "Spinoza's distinction between rational and intuitive knowledge", Philosophical Review, Cornell University, Ithaca (N.Y.), n° 87 (1978), p. 241-252. N I, 15 et VI, 26.

5. (1978) 04 DE DIJN, Herman : "The possibility of an ethic in a deterministic system like Spinoza's", in 3. (1978) 03, p. 27-35. N I, 15.

5. (1978) 06 FLØISTAD, Guttorm : "Mind and Body in Spinoza's Ethics", in 3. (1978) 03, p. 36-50. N I, 15-16 (Renée Bouveresse).

5. (1978) 08 FRIEDMAN, Joel I. : "Spinoza's denial of free will in man and God", in 3. (1978) 03, p. 51-84. N I, 18.

5. (1978) 09 HARRIS, Errol E. : "The essence of man and the subject of consciousness", in 3. (1978) 03, p. 119-135. N I, 18.

5. (1978) 10 HARRIS, Errol E. : Is there an esoteric doctrine in the Tractatus theologico-politicus ?, Medelingen 38 vanwege het Spinozahuis, E. J. Brill, Leiden, 1978, 19 p. N I, 18.

5. (1978) 16 PARSONS, H. L. : "Spinoza's concept of human fulfillment : Its nature and contemporary fulfillment in thought and practice", in 3. (1978) 03, p. 159-178. N I, 21-22 (Renée Bouveresse).

5. (1978) 19 RICE, Lee C. : "Servitus in Spinoza, a programmatic analysis", in 3. (1978) 03, p. 179-191. N I, 22 (Renée Bouveresse).

5. (1978) 21 SAVAN, David : "Spinoza on death and the emotions", in 3. (1978) 03, p. 192-203.

5. (1978) A 01 AQUILA, Richard E. : "The identity of thought and object in Spinoza", Journal of the history of philosophy, Berkeley (Calif.), t. XVI, 1978-3, p. 271-288.

5. (1978) C 04 CRESS, D. A. : "Duns Scotus, Spinoza and the ontological argument", in Regnum hominis et Regnum Dei. Acta quarti Congressus scotistici internationalis edidit Camille Berube, Romae, 1978, p. 389-399. N IV, 28.

5. (1978) C 05 NAILS, Debra : "Some implications of Spinoza's doctrine of determinism and human freedom", Kinesis, Carbondale (South Ill.), IX-1 (1978), p. 11-22. N IV, 28.

5. (1979) 04 GARRETT, Don : "Spinoza's `Ontological´ Argument", The Philosophical Review, Cornell University, Ithaca (N. Y.), avril 1979, p. 198-223. N II, 14.

5. (1979) 10 WETLESEN, Jon : The Sage and the Way (Spinoza's ethics of freedom), Van Gorcum, Assen, 1979, 459 p. N II, 16-17.

5. (1979) A 04 FRANCKS, Richard : "Omniscience, omnipotence, and pantheism", Philosophy, London, 54 (1979), p. 395-399. N III, 17.

5. (1979) A 05 LLOYD, G. : "The man of Reason", Metaphilosophy, Albany (N.Y.)/Oxford, 10 (1979), p. 18-37 (p. 21-26). N III, 17.

5. (1979) A 06 MARK, T. C. : "Spinoza's concept of Mind", Journal of the history of philosophy, Berkeley (Calif.), t. 17 (1979), p. 401-416. N III, 17.

5. (1979) A 07 SHELDON, M. : "Spinoza, imagination and chaos", Southern Journal of Philosophy, Memphis (Tenn.), t. 17 (1979), p. 119-132. N III, 17.

5. (1979) B 04 FOTI, V. M. : "Spinoza's Doctrine of Immortality and the Unity of Love", Southern Journal of Philosophy, Memphis (Tenn.), t. 17, n°4 (1979), p. 437-442. N IV, 25.

5. (1979) B 07 WIENPAHL, Paul : The Radical Spinoza, New York University Press (N.Y.), 1979, XII-281 p. N IV, 26.

5. (1980) 01 ALDRICH, Virgil C. : "Categories and Spinoza's attributes", Pacific philosophical quarterly, Los Angeles, t. 61, n°1-2 (1980), p. 156-166. N III, 5.

5. (1980) 11 LLOYD, Genevieve : "Spinoza's environmental ethics", Inquiry, Oslo, t. 22, n°3 (1980), p. 293-311. N III, 8-9.

5. (1980) 14 NAESS, Arne : "Environmental Ethics and Spinoza's Ethics. Comments on G. Lloyd's article", Inquiry, Oslo, t. 22, n°3 (1980), p. 313-325. N III, 9.

5. (1980) 16 SHIMIZU, Reiko : "Excommunication and the philosophy of Spinoza", Inquiry, Oslo, t. 23, n°3 (1980), p. 327-348. N III, 9-10 (Pierre-François Moreau).

5. (1980) 18 URSERY, D. : "Spinoza's primary emotions", Dialogue, Journal of Phi Sigma Tau, Milwaukee (Wisc.), t. 22 (1980), p. 57-62. N III, 10.

5. (1980) A 01 BENNETT, Jonathan : "Spinoza's Vacuum Argument", Midwest Studies in Philosophy, Morris (Minn.), t. 5 (1980), p. 391-399. N IV, 20.

5. (1980) A 02 HASSING, R.F. : "The use and non-use of physics in Spinoza's Ethics", Southwestern Journal of Philosophy, Norman (Okl.), t. 11 (1980), p. 41-70. N IV, 21.

5. (1980) A 06 VATER, M.G. : "The human mind as idea in the platonic tradition and in Spinoza", Diotima, Athènai, 8 (1980), p. 134-143. N IV, 21.

5. (1980) B 02 CAMPBELL, J. : "Spinoza's theory of perfection and goodness", Southern Journal of Philosophy, Memphis (Tenn.), 18, n°3 (1980), p. 259-274.

5. (1980) D 01 EARLE, William : Mystical Reason, Regnery Gateway, Chicago (Ill.), 1980, 203 p. N VII, 32 (Pierre-François Moreau).

5. (1980) D 02 KAYE, A.S. : "Spinoza as Linguist", Hebrew annual Review, Colombus (Ohio), 4 (1980), p. 107-125. N VII, 32.

5. (1981) 03 BENNETT, Jonathan : "Spinoza's Mind-Body Identity Thesis", The Journal of Philosophy, University of Columbia, New York (N.Y.), vol. 78, n°10 (1981), p. 573-584. N IV, 6-7.

5. (1981) 04 CHARLTON, W. : "Spinoza's Monism", Philosophical Review, Cornell University, Ithaca (N.Y.), october 1981, p. 503-530. N IV, 7.

5. (1981) 05 CREMASCHI, S. : "Concepts of force in Spinoza's Psychology", in 3. (1981) 04, p. 138-144. N IV, 7.

5. (1981) 14 NAESS, Arne : "Spinoza's finite God", Revue internationale de Philosophie, Bruxelles, t 35 (1981), p. 120-126. N IV, 11.

5. (1981) 16 PARKINSON, G.H.R. : "Spinoza's concept of the Rational Act", in 3. (1981) 04, p. 1-19. N IV, 12.

5. (1981) 28 STEINBERG, Diane : "Spinoza's theory of the eternity of the mind", Canadian Journal of Philosophy, Edmonton, XI-1 (1981), p. 35-68. N IV, 15.

5. (1981) 31 TROMPETER, L. : "Spinoza : a response to De Vries", Canadian Journal of Philosophy, Edmonton, XI-3 (1981), p; 525-538. N IV, 16.

5. (1981) 32 VOSS, Stephen H. : "How Spinoza enumerated the affects", Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie, Berlin, t. 63 (1981), p. 167-179. N IV, 16.

5. (1981) 34 WILSON, Margaret D. : "Notes on modes and attributes", The Journal of Philosophy, University of Columbia, New York (N.Y.), t. 78, n°10 (oct. 1981), p. 584-586. N IV, 16.

5. (1981) A 07 LOEB, L.E. : From Descartes to Hume. Continental Metaphysics and the Development of modern Philosophy, Cornell U.P., 1981, 382 p. N V, 24.

5. (1981) C 01 SANDYS-WUNSCH, John : "Spinoza - The First Biblical Theologian", Zeitschrift für die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft, Berlin/New York, 93/3 (1981), p. 327-341. N VII, 32.

5. (1982) 02 BAKKER, Jonathan B. : "Did Spinoza have a double Aspect Theory ?", International Studies in Philosophy, Binghamton (N.Y.)/Torino, XIV, n°1 (1982), p. 1-16. N V, 11.

5. (1982) 09 JARRETT, Charles E. : "On the rejection of spinozistic dualism in the Ethics", Southern Journal of Philosophy, Memphis (Tenn.), XX/2 (1982), p. 153-175. N VII, 29.

5. (1982) 11 LUCASH, Frank : "On the finite and infinite in Spinoza", Southern Journal of Philosophy, Memphis (Tenn.), 20, p. 61-73.

5. (1982) 12 MARA, G.M. : "Liberal politics and moral excellence in Spinoza's political philosophy", Journal of the history of philosophy, Berkeley (Calif.), t. XX, n°2 (1982), p. 129-150. N V, 13.

5. (1982) A 01 NEWMAN, J. : "Humility and Self-Realization", The Journal of Value Inquiry, 's-Gravenhage (= La Haye), t. 16, n°4 (1982), p. 275-285. N VI, 20.

5. (1982) B 02 FRIEDMAN, Joel I. : "Was Spinoza fooled by the ontological argument ?", Philosophia, Ramat-Gan, t. 11 (1982), p. 307-344. N VII, 29.

5. (1982) B 06 KRAEMER, Sebastian : "A note on Spinoza's contribution to systemic therapy", Family Process, New York/Paolo Alto, t. 21 (1982), p. 353-357. N VII, 30.

5. (1982) B 11 WISE, R.B.A. : "The parallelism of attributes", Philosophical Papers, Grahamstown, 11 (1982), p.23-37.

5. (1983) 05 FRIEDMAN, Joel I. : "Spinoza's problem of other Minds", Synthese, Dordrecht, 57 (1983), p. 99-126. N VI, 13.

5. (1983) 06 GILEAD, Amihud : "Spinoza's principium individuationis and personal identity", International studies in philosophy, Binghamton (N.Y.)/Torino, t. XV/1 (1983), p. 41-57. N VI, 14.

5. (1983) 08 KELKAR, Meena : "Naturalistic fallacy : does Spinoza commit this fallacy ?", Indian philosophical quarterly, Amalner, 10 (1983), p. 303-308. N VI, 14.

5. (1983) 12 PARKINSON, G.H.R. : "Spinoza's philosophy of mind", in Contemporary philosophy, a new survey, edited by Guttorm Fløistad, Martinus Nijhoff, 's-Gravenhage (= La Haye), 1983, t. IV, p. 105-131. N VI, 15.

5. (1983) 13 PARKINSON, G.H.R. : Spinoza. Reason and experience, The Open University Press, 1983, 84 p. N VI, 15.

5. (1983) A 01 AQUILA, Richard E. : "States of Affairs and Identity of Attributes in Spinoza", Midwest Studies in Philosophy, Morris (Minn.), VIII (1983), p. 161-179. N VII, 22 (Charles Ramond).

5. (1983) A 04 BENNETT, Jonathan : "Teleology and Spinoza's conatus", Midwest Studies in Philosophy, Morris (Minn.), VIII (1983), p. 143-160. N VII, 22-23 (Charles Ramond).

5. (1983) A 06 BENNETT, Jonathan : A study of Spinoza's Ethics, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (U.K.), 1983 [Hackett, Indianapolis (Ind.), 1984], 396 p. N VII, 23-24 (J.-P. Juillet).

5. (1983) A 07 DEN UYL, Douglas J. : Power, State and Freedom : an interpretation of Spinoza's political Philosophy, Van Gorcum, Assen, 1983, 172 p. N VII, 24-25 (Pierre-François Moreau).

5. (1983) A 08 HART, Alan : Spinoza's Ethics. Part I and II. A Platonic Commentary, E. J. Brill, Leiden, 1983, 158 p. N VII, 25-26 (Pierre-François Moreau).

5. (1983) A 09 HUBBELING, H.G. : "The understanding of Nature in Renaissance Philosophy, Leibniz and Spinoza", in Albert Heinekamp (éd.) : Leibniz et la Renaissance, Franz Steiner Verlag, Wiesbaden, 1983, p. 210-220.

5. (1983) A 13 WILSON, Margaret D. : "Infinite Understanding, Scientia Intuitiva, and Ethics I. 16", Midwest Studies in Philosophy, Morris (Minn.), VIII (1983), p. 181-191. N VII, 27 (Ch. Ramond).

5. (1984) 05 COLLINS, James : Spinoza on Nature, Southern Illinois University Press, 1984, 333 p. N VII, 12-14 (Lee C. Rice).

5. (1984) 06 KRISTELLER, Paul Oskar : "Stoic and Neoplatonic Sources of Spinoza's Ethics", History of European Ideas, Oxford, t. V, 1 (1984), p. 1-16. N VII, 14.

5. (1984) 07 LEWIS, Christopher E. : "Baruch Spinoza. A Critic of Robert Boyle : On Matter", Dialogue, Journal of Phi Sigma Tau, Milwaukee (Wisc.), t. 27/1 (1984), p. 11-22. N VII, 15.

5. (1984) A 05 LUCASH, Frank S. : "The Mind's Body : The Body Self-Awareness", Dialogue, Ottawa, t. XXIII (1984), p. 619-633.

5. (1984) A 09 RUSSELL, John M. : "Freedom and Determinism in Spinoza", Auslegung, Lawrence (Kan.), 11 (1984), p. 378-389.

5. (1984) A 10 STEINBERG, Diane : "Spinoza's ethical doctrine and the unity of human nature", Journal of the history of ideas, New York, t. 22 (1984), n°3, p. 303-324. N VIII, 29.

5. (1985) 07 DELAHUNTY, R. J. : Spinoza, Routledge and Kegan Paul, London, coll. "The Arguments of the Philosophers", 1985, XVI-317 p. N VIII, 17-20 (Charles Ramond).

5. (1985) 09 GILEAD, Amihud : "The order and connexion of things", Kant-Studien, Berlin, 1985, p. 72-78.

5. (1985) 16 RICE, Lee C. : "Spinoza's account of sexuality", Philosophy Research Archives, Bowling Green (Ohio), t. 10 (1985), p. 19-34. N VIII, 23.

5. (1985) 17 RICE, Lee C. : "Spinoza, Bennett, and teleology", Southern Journal of Philosophy, Memphis (Tenn.), t. 23, n°2 (1985), p. 241-253. N VIII, 23.

5. (1985) 19 SACKSTEDER, William : "Simple Wholes and complex Parts", Philosophy and phenomenological Research, Buffalo (N.Y.), 45 (1985), p. 393-406.

5. (1985) A 01 BOLTON, M.B. : "Spinoza on Cartesian Doubt", Noûs, Bloomington (Ind.), 19 (1985), p. 379-395.

5. (1985) A 05 HOFFHEIMER, Michael H. : "The Four Equals : Analysing Spinoza's Ideal of Equality", Philosophia, Ramat Gan, t. XV (1985), p. 237-249. N IX, 35.

5. (1985) A 07 NORENA, Carlos G. : "Suarez and Spinoza. The metaphysics of modal being", Cuadernos salmantinos de Filosofia, Salamanca, t. 12 (1985), p. 163-182.

5. (1985) A 09 SLYOMOVICS, Peter : "Spinoza : Liberal democratic religion", Journal of the history of philosophy, Berkeley (Calif.), t. 23 (1985), p. 499-513.

5. (1985) A 10 ZELLNER, Harold : "Spinoza's Causal Likeness Principle", Philosophy Research Archives, Bowling Green (Ohio), t. 11 (1985), p. 453-461.

5. (1985) D 06 WALKER, Ralph C.S. : "Spinoza and the coherence theory of truth", Mind, Oxford, 94 (1985), p. 1-18.

5. (1986) 01 BROWN, Norman O. : "Philosophy and prophecy, Spinoza's Hermeneutics", Political theory, Beverly Hills, vol. 14, n°2 (may 1986). N IX, 20 (Jacqueline Lagrée).

5. (1986) 03 DE DIJN, Herman : "Conception of Philosophical Method in Spinoza : Logica and Mos geometricus", Review of metaphysics, Washington, t. 40 (1986), p. 55-78.

5. (1986) 04 DEVINE, Philip E. : "On the Definition of Religion", Faith and Philosophy : Journal of the Society of Christian Philosophers, Wilmore (K.Y.), t. 3 (1986), p. 270-284. N IX, 20.

5. (1986) 05 FRANKFURT, Harry G. : "Two Motivations for Rationalism : Descartes and Spinoza", in A. Donagan (éd.), Human Nature and Natural Knowledge, Riedel, Dordrecht, 1986, p. 47-62.

5. (1986) 08KLIJNSMIT, A.J. : Spinoza and Grammatical Tradition, Mededelingen 49 vanwege het Spinozahuis, E.J. Brill, Leiden, 1986, 16 p.

5. (1986) 09 MARCUS, Ruth Barcan : "Spinoza and the ontological Proof", in A. Donagan (éd.), Human Nature and Natural Knowledge, Riedel, Dordrecht, 1986, p. 153-166.

5. (1986) 10 MASON, Richard V. : "Spinoza on the causality of individuals", Journal of the history of philosophy, Berkeley (Calif.), t. 24 (1986), p. 197-210.

5. (1986) 11 MASON, Richard : "Spinoza on modality", Philosophical Quarterly, St Andrews (U.K.), 36 (1986), p. 313-342.

5. (1986) 13 MAXWELL, Vance : "The formalist Treatment of Spinoza", Dialogue, Ottawa, t. XXV (1986), p. 337-347. N IX, 25.

5. (1986) 15 NAESS, Arne : "Limited definiteness of `God´ in Spinoza's System. Answer to Heine Siebrand", Neue Zeitschrift für Systematische Theologie und Religionsphilosophie, Berlin/New York, t. 28, n°3 (1986), p. 275-283. Cf. 5. (1986) 22. N IX, 26.

5. (1986) 17 PITTS, Edwards I. : "Spinoza on Freedom of Expression", Journal of the history of ideas, New York, t. 47 (1986), p. 21-35.

5. (1986) 22 SIEBRAND, Heine J. : "Is God an `open place´ in Spinoza's Philosophy of Religion ?", Neue Zeitschrift für Systematische Theologie und Religionsphilosophie, Berlin/New York, t. 28, n°3 (1986), p. 261-274. N IX, 26.

5. (1986) 23 STEINBERG, Diane : "A note on Bennett's transattribute differentiae and Spinoza's substance monism", Southern Journal of Philosophy, Memphis (Tenn.), t. 24, n°3 (1986), p. 431-435. N IX, 26.

5. (1986) A 01 SCRUTON, Roger : Spinoza, Oxford University Press, coll. "Past Masters", 1986, vii-122 p. N X, 26-28 (Charles Ramond).

5. (1986) C 03 FRIEDMAN, Joel : "How the finite follows from the infinite in Spinoza's metaphysical system", Synthese, Dordrecht, 69, 3 (1986), p. 371-407.

5. (1986) C 04 LEO, Aileen : "On the correlations between Spinoza's metaphysical system and the main principles of holism", De Philosophia, Ottawa, 6 (1986), p. 1-22.

5. (1986) C 06 MORRISON, James C. : "The ethics of Spinoza's Ethics", The Modern Schoolman, St Louis (Missouri), 63 (1986), p. 173-191.

5. (1986) C 07 PIETARINEN, Juhani : "Possible and necessary existence in Spinoza", Annalen der Internationalen Gesellschaft für dialektische Philosophie, Societas Hegeliana, Kempen, 3 (1986), p. 150-153.

5. (1986) C 11 WILLIAMS, Forrest : "Some Reflexions on Spinoza's Ethics as edifying ontology", in E. Casey (ed.) : The Life of the Transcendantal Ego, State University of New York Press, Albany, 1986, p. 95-110.

5. (1987) 01 ALLISON, Henry, E. : Benedict de Spinoza : An Introduction (revised edition), Yale University Press, New Haven (Conn.), 1987, 254 p. (1st ed. Boston, 1975). N X, 20-22 (Charles Ramond).

5. (1987) 07 LEVY, Z. : "The relation of Spinoza's Concept of Substance to the concept of Ultimate Reality", Ultimate Reality and Meaning, Toronto, t. X, n°3 (1987), p. 186-201.

5. (1987) 11 STEINBERG, Diane : "Necessity and Essence in Spinoza", The Modern Schoolman, St Louis (Miss.), 64 (1987), p. 187-195.

5. (1987) B 06 KASHAP, S. Paul : Spinoza and Moral Freedom, State University of New York Press, Binghamton, 1987, XIII-198 p. N XII, 46 (Pierre-François Moreau).

5. (1987) B 09 SANTINELLI, Cristina : "Spinoza's philosophy of society", Paradigmi, Fasano, 5, 14 (1987), p. 365-377.

5. (1988) 03 COTTINGHAM, John G. : "The intellect, the will and the passions : Spinoza's Critique of Descartes", Journal of the history of philosophy, Berkeley (Calif.), t. 26 (1988), p. 239-257. N XI, 22.

5. (1988) 04 CURLEY, Edwin : Behind the geometrical method, Princeton University Press, Princeton (New Jersey), 1988. N XI, 22-23 (Charles Ramond).

5. (1988) 05 DONAGAN, Alan : Spinoza, Harvester-Wheatsheaf, New York, coll. "Philosophers in Context", 1988, 219 p. N XI, 24-25 (Pierre-François Moreau).

5. (1988) 08 GRANGE, Joseph : "Spinoza's Scientia Intuitiva", Philosophy and theology, Milwaukee (Wisc.), t. 2 (1988), p. 241-257.

5. (1988) 11 LERMOND, Lucia : The form of man : human essence in Spinoza's Ethic, E. J. Brill, Leiden, 1988, 87 p. N XI, 26-27 (Pierre-François Moreau).

5. (1988) 12 LOPTSON, Peter : "Spinozist Monism", Philosophia, Ramat Gan, t. 18 (1988), p. 19-38. N XI, 27.

5. (1988) 16 SINGER Brent A. : "Spinoza on returning hatred with love", Journal of moral Education, London, t. 17 (1988), p. 3-10.

5. (1988) 19 ZELLNER, Harold : "Spinoza's Puzzle", History of Philosophy Quarterly, Bowling Green (Ohio), t. 5 (1988), p. 233-243. N XI, 27.

5. (1988) A 01 MAXWELL, Vance : "The Philosophical Method of Spinoza", Dialogue, Ottawa, 27 (1988), p. 89-110.

5. (1988) F 01 McPHAIL, Robyn & David E. WARD : Morality and Agency, University Press of America, Lanham-New York-London, 1988, XVIII-165 p. N XVII, 75-76 (Yannis Prelorentzos).

5. (1989) 01 ADLER, Jacob : "Divine Attributes in Spinoza : Intrinsic and Relational", Philosophy and theology, Milwaukee (Wisc.), t. IV, 1 (1989), p. 33-52. N XII, 21.

5. (1989) 07 KLIJNSMIT, Anthony J. : "Spinoza on `the imperfection of words´", Cahiers voor taalkunde, 1 (1989), Stichting Neerlandistiek VU, 36 p. N XII, 24.

5. (1989) 09 MATSON, Wallace I. : "Spinoza on Beliefs", Guest-lectures and Seminar Papers on Spinozism, n°7, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, 1989, 26 p.

5. (1989) 10 MONTAG, Warren : "Spinoza : Politics in a World without Transcendance", Rethinking Marxism, Amherst, II, 3 (1989), p. 89-103.

5. (1989) 12 RAVVEN, Heidi M. : "Notes on Spinoza's Critique of Aristotle's Ethics : From Teleology to Process Theory", Philosophy and theology, Milwaukee (Wisc.), t. IV,1 (1989), p. 3-31.

5. (1989) 14 SPRIGGE, T.L.S. : The significance of Spinoza's determinism, Mededelingen 58 vanwege het Spinozahuis, E.J. Brill, Leiden, 1989, 16 p. N XII, 25-26 (Pierre-François Moreau).

5. (1989) A 03 KLEVER, Wim : "The Properties of the Intellect", in Ph. T. Grier (ed.) : Dialectic and Contemporary Science, University Press of America, Lanham, p. 161-177. Cf. Harris : "Reply to Klever", p. 179-182.

5. (1989) A 04 LANG, Berel : "The politics of Interpretation : Spinoza's modernist turn", Review of Metaphysics, Washington, t. 43/2 (décembre 1989), p. 327-356. N XIII, 47.

5. (1989) A 07 WEBB, Mark O. : " Natural Theology and the Concept of Perfection in Descartes, Spinoza and Leibniz", Religious Studies, Cambridge, 25/4 (1989), p. 459-475.

5. (1989) B 02 DE DIJN, Herman : "Spinoza : Reason and Intuitive Knowledge", Philosophy, Kansai University, Osaka, 13 (1989), p. 1-22.

5. (1989) E 02 MORRISON, James C. : "Why Spinoza had No Aesthetics", The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, Philadelphia, 47/4 (1989), p. 359-365.

5. (1990) 03 COOK, J. Tomas : "Spinoza's Science of the Idea of the Body", in J.C. Smith (ed.) : Historical Foundations of Cognitive Science, Kluwer, Dordrecht, 1990, p. 81-97. N XIII, 33.

5. (1990) 10 KLEVER, Wim : "Hume Contra Spinoza ?", Hume Studies, U. of Western Ontario, London (Ont.), t. XVI/2 (1990), p. 89-105.

5. (1990) 12 LUCASH, Frank : "Spinoza on the Eternity of the Human Mind", Philosophy & Theology, Milwaukee (Wisc.), t. V/2 (1990), p. 103-114.

5. (1990) 16 RICE, Lee C. : "Reflexive Ideas in Spinoza", Journal of the History of Ideas, New York, t. 28/2 (1990), p. 201-211.

5. (1990) A 06 FOX, A.C. : Faith and Philosophy, Spinoza on Religion, edited by A.J. Watt, University of Western Australia, 1990, 173 p. N XIV, 36 (Jacqueline Lagrée).

5. (1990) B 02 DE DIJN, Herman : "Naturalism, Freedom and Ethics in Spinoza", Studia leibniziana, Wiesbaden, 22/2 (1990), p. 138-150.

5. (1990) B 05 MAXWELL, Vance : "Spinoza's Doctrine of the Amor Dei intellectualis", Dionysius, Halifax, 4 (1990), p. 131-156.

5. (1990) B 07 RAVVEN, Heidi M. : "Spinoza's materialist Ethics. The education of desire", International Studies of Philosophy, Binghamton (N. Y.), 22/3 (1990), p. 59-78.

5. (1991) 10 RICE, Lee C. : "Tanquam naturae humanae exemplar : Spinoza on human Nature", The Modern Schoolman, St Louis (Miss.), t. LXVIII (1991), p. 291-303.

5. (1991) 12 SACKSTEDER, William : "Least Parts and Greatest Wholes. Variations on a theme in Spinoza", International Studies in Philosophy, Binghamton (N.Y.)/ Torino, 23/1 (1991), p. 75-87.

5. (1991) A 02 JARRETT, Charles : "Spinoza's Denial of Mind-Body Problem and the explanation of Human Action", Southern Journal of Philosophy, Memphis (Tenn.), 29/4 (1991), p. 465-485. N XV, 45 (Pierre Temkine).

5. (1991) C 01 CARRIERO, John P. : "Spinoza's View of Necessity in Historical Perspective", Philosophical Topics, Denver, 19/1 (1991), p. 47-96.

5. (1991) C 02 CURLEY, Edwin : "The State of Nature and its Law in Spinoza and Hobbes", Philosophical Topics, Denver, 19/1 (1991), p. 97-117.

5. (1991) C 03 DELLA ROCCA, Michael : "Causation and Spinoza's Claim of Identity", History of Philosophy Quarterly, Bowling Green (Ohio), t. 8, n°3 (1991), p. 265-276.

5. (1991) C 04 HOFFMAN, Paul : "Three Dualist Theories of the Passions", Philosophical Topics, Denver, 19/1 (1991), p. 153-200.

5. (1992) 02 BOROS, Gábor : "Spinoza and the metaphysics of history", Tidjschrift voor Filosofie, Louvain, 54/1 (1992), p. 70-86.

5. (1992) 04 HARRIS, Errol E. : Spinoza's Philosophy : An Outline, Humanities Press, New Jersey/London, 1992, 125 p. N XV, 21-22 (Thomas Luntz).

5. (1992) 06 LUCASH, Frank : "The activity and passivity of the mind and body", Philosophical Inquiry, Thessaloníki, XIV, 1-2 (1992), p. 11-21.

5. (1992) 12 RICE, Lee C. : "Mind Eternity in Spinoza", Iyyun, The Jerusalem Philosophical Quarterly, 41 (July 1992), p. 319-334. N XV, 32-33 (Joannis Prelorenzos).

5. (1992) B 06 UENO, Osamu : "For Spinoza's Tractatus Politicus", Etudes Philosophiques de l'Université de Yamaguchi, vol. 1, n°12 (1992), p. 94-101.

5. (1993) 01 ABLONDI, Frederick : "A Spinozistic Account of Self-Deception", NASS Monograph, North American Spinoza Society, Marquette University, Milwaukee (Wisc.), 1 (1993), p. 1-18.

5. (1993) 02 BARBONE, Steven : "Virtue and sociality in Spinoza", Iyyun, Jerusalem, 42 (1993), p. 383-395.

5. (1993) 08RICHEY, Lance Byron : "Truth, Adequacy and Being in Spinoza's Ethics", Lyceum, V/1 (1993), p. 21-36.

5. (1993) A 03 DELLA ROCCA, Michael : "Spinoza's Argument for the identity theory", Philosophical Review, Cornell University, Ithaca (N.Y.), 102/2 (1993), p. 182-213.

5. (1993) A 06 FREEMAN, D.A. : "Spinoza on self-consciousness and rationalism", History of European Ideas, Oxford, t. 16, n°6 (1993), p. 915-920.

5. (1993) A 10 LESLIE, John : "A spinozistic vision of God", Religious Studies, Cambridge, 29/3 (1993), p. 277-286.

5. (1993) A 11 LUCASH, Frank : "The philosophical Method of Spinoza's Treatise of the Emendation of the Intellect and its application to the Ethics", Philosophy and theology, Milwaukee (Wisc.), t. 7, n°3 (1993), p.311-322.

5. (1993) A 12 MASON, R.V. : "Ignoring the Demon? Spinoza's Way with the Doubt", Journal of the history of philosophy, Berkeley (Calif.), t. 31 (1993), n°4, p. 545-563.

5. (1993) A 14 RICHEY, Lance Byron : "The Genealogy of God's Freedom in Spinoza's Ethics", Dialogue, Ottawa, t. XXXV (1993), n°2-3, p. 29-32.

5. (1993) A 16 STEINBERG, Diane : "Spinoza's Method and Doubt", History of Philosophy Quarterly, Bowling Green (Ohio), t. 10, n°3 (1993), p. 211-224.

5. (1993) B 02 SCHIPPER, Lewis : Spinoza's Ethics : the View from Within, Peter Lang, New York, American University Studies, 1993, 205 p. N XVIII, 36 (Ariel Suhamy).

5. (1993) B 04 YAFFE, Martin D. : "Two Recent Treatments of Spinoza's Theologico-Political Treatise (1670) : A Review Essay", Modern Judaism, Baltimore (Md), 13 (1993), p. 309-315. N XVIII, 19-21 (Steven Barbone).

5. (1994) 05 GARRETT, Don : "Spinoza's Theory of Metaphysical Individuation", in F. Kenneth Barber (ed.) : Individuation and Identity in Early Modern Philosophy, State University of New York Press, Albany (N. Y.), 1994.

5. (1994) 09 MASON, Richard : "Spinoza on religious choice", Philosophy, London, 69 (1994), p. 443-458.

5. (1994) 13 RICE, Lee C. : "Spinoza and nominalism", Canadian Journal of Philosophy, Edmonton, vol. 24, n°1 (mars 1994), p. 19-32. N XVII, 49 (Ariel Suhamy).

5. (1994) 14RICE, Lee C. et Steven BARBONE : "Spinoza and the problem of suicide", International Philosophical Quarterly, New York/Louvain, vol. XXXIV, n°2 (juin 1994), p. 229-241. N XVII, 49 (Eugenio Fernandez).

5. (1994) A 03 CARRIERO, John : On the theological roots of Spinoza's argument for monism", Faith and Philosophy : Journal of the Society of Christian Philosophers, Wilmore (K.Y.), 11/4 (1994), p. 626-644.

5. (1994) A 05 CURLEY, Edwin : "Spinoza on truth". Australasian Journal of Philosophy, Sydney, 72/1 (1994), p. 1-16.

5. (1994) A 07 GABHART, Mitchell : "Freedom, Understanding and Therapy in Spinoza's Moral psychology", International Journal of Applied Philosophy, 9/1 (1994), p. 1-9.

5. (1994) A 13 LANTIN, Robert : "Individualism, Physicalism, and Spinoza on Minds and Bodies", Manuscrito : Revista Internacional de Filosofia, São Paulo, t. 17/1 (1994), p. 35-64.

5. (1994) A 14 LUCASH, Frank : "Essence and Existence in Part 3 of Spinoza's Ethics", Manuscrito, São Paulo, t. 17/2 (1994), p. 11-29.

5. (1994) A 17RICE, Lee C. : "Faith, Obedience, and Salvation in Spinoza", Lyceum, VI/2 (1994), p. 1-20.

5. (1994) A 19 SMITH, Steven B. : "Spinoza's Democratic Turn : chapter 16 of the Theologico-Political Treatise", Review of Metaphysics, Washington, 48/2 (1994), p. 359-388.

5. (1994) A 22 YAFFE, Martin D. : "Biblical Religion and Liberal Democracy : Comments on Spinoza's Theologico-Political Treatise and Sack's Commentary on the Book of Genesis", Political Science Reviewer, Hampden-Sydney (Va), 23 (1994), p. 284-341. N XVIII, 19-21 (Steven Barbone).

5. (1994) A 23 YAFFE, Martin D. : "Body and Body Politic in Spinoza's Theologico-Political Treatise (1670)", conférence donnée à l'Academy for Jewish Philosophy, University of Judaism, Los Angeles (Calif.), 5-6 juin 1994. [manuscrit disponible à la bibliothèque Spinoza de l'ENS, à Fontenay-aux-Roses]. N XVIII, 19-21 (Steven Barbone).

5. (1994) A 24 YAFFE, Martin D. : "On Beginning to Translate Spinoza's Tractatus Theologico-Politicus (1670)", Il Cannocchiale (Rivista di Studi Filosofici), Napoli, 1994/1-2, p. 199-216. N XVIII, 19-21 (Steven Barbone).

5. (1995) 03 HARRIS, Errol E. : The Substance of Spinoza, Humanities Press, New Jersey, xi-243 p. N XVIII, 11-12 (Saverio Ansaldi).

5. (1995) 10 MURTHY, Viren : "Universals and Infinite Modes in the Thought of Spinoza", Dialogue, Journal of Phi Sigma Tau, Milwaukee (Wisc.), t. 37, n°2-3, p. 48-56.

5. (1995) 13 SILVERMAN, R.M. : Baruch Spinoza, Outcast Jew, Universal Sage, Science Reviews, Northwood (U.K.), 1995, vi-229 p.

5. (1995) 15 WINCH, Peter G. : "Mind, Body and Ethics in Spinoza", Philosophical Investigations, Decatur (Ill.), 18/3 (1995), p. 216-234.

5. (1995) 16 YAFFE, Martin D. : "The Histories and Successes of the Hebrews : The Demise of the Biblical Polity in Spinoza's Theologico-Political Treatise", Jewish Political Studies Review, Jerusalem, 7/1-2 (1995), p. 57-75. N XVIII, 19-21 (Steven Barbone).

5. (1995) A 06 NEGRI, Antonio : "Spinoza's anti-modernity" [Trad. de 6. (1991) 11], Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal, New York, 18/2 (1995), p. 1-15.

5. (1995) B 03 Studia Spinozana, vol. 9 (1993) : "Spinoza and Modernity : Ethics and Politics", Königshausen & Neumann, Würzburg, 1995, 414 p. (polyglotte : allemand, anglais, français). Special Editorial Team : Étienne Balibar, Helmut Seidel, Manfred Walther. N XX, 25-28 (Charles Ramond). Au sommaire :
Presentation (11-16)
Manfred WALTHER : "Philosophy and politics in Spinoza" (49-57);
Marin TERPSTRA : "An analysis of power relations and class relations in Spinoza's Tractatus Politicus" (79-105);
Stuart BROWN : "'Theological politics' and the reception of Spinoza in the early english Enlightment" (181-200);
Yirmiyahu YOVEL : "Marx's ontology and Spinoza's philosophy of immanence" (217-227);
Herman De DIJN : "Knowledge, anthropocentrism and salvation" (247-261);
Wim KLEVER : "The motion of the projectile - Elucidation of Spinoza's physics" (335-340);
Wim KLEVER : "A new Document on De Witt's attitude towards Spinoza" (379-388).

5. (1995) E 01 CARRIERO, John : "On the relationship between mode and substance in Spinoza's metaphysics", Journal of the history of philosophy, Berkeley (Calif.), t. 33, n°2 (1995), p. 245-273.

5. (1996) 01 BAGLEY, Paul J. : "Harris, Strauss, and Esotericism in Spinoza's Tractatus Theologico-Politicus", Interpretation, Flushing (N.Y.), 23/3 (1996), p. 387-415.

5. (1996) 09 DE DIJN, Herman : Spinoza. The Way to Wisdom, Purdue University Press, West Lafayette (Indiana), 1996, 291 p. N XIX, 16 (Jacqueline Lagrée).

5. (1996) 10 = 5. (1996) A 07

5. (1996) 13KOISTINEN, Olli : "Causality, intentionality and identity : mind-body interaction in Spinoza", Ratio : An international journal of analytic philosophy, 9/1 (1996), p. 23-38.

5. (1996) 14 LLOYD, Genevieve : Spinoza and the Ethics, Routledge, London, coll. "Routledge Philosophy Guide Books", 1996, 163 p. N XIX, 17-18 (Todd Ryan).

5. (1996) 16 PARCHMENT, Steven : "The God/Attribute distinction in Spinoza's Metaphysics : a defense of causal objectivism", History of Philosophy Quarterly, Bowling Green (Ohio), t. 13, n°1 (1996), p. 55-72.

5. (1996) 18 RICE, Lee C. : "Spinoza's Infinite Extension", History of European Ideas, Oxford, t. 22, n°1 (1996), p. 33-43.

5. (1996) A 07 DELLA ROCCA, Michael : Representation and the Mind-Body Problem in Spinoza, Oxford University Press, New York-Oxford, 1996, 223+xiv p. N XX, 21-22 (Steven Barbone).

5. (1996) A 10 KULSTAD, Mark : "Spinoza's demonstration of monism : a new line of defense", History of philosophy quarterly, Bowling Green (Ohio), 13 (3), 1996, p. 299-316.

5. (1996) A 13 RICE, Lee : "Spinoza's relativistic aesthetics", Tijdschrift voor filosofie, Louvain, 58/3 (1996), p. 476-489.

5. (1996) A 14 ZAC, Sylvain : "The relation between life, conatus and virtue in Spinoza's philosophy", Graduate Faculty philosophy journal, New York, 19/1 (1996), p. 151-173.

5. (1996) B 01 ADLER, Jacob : "Spinoza's physical philosophy", Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie, Berlin, 78/3 (1996), p. 253-276.

5. (1997) 01 BALIBAR, Étienne : "Spinoza : from individuality to transindividuality", Mededelingen vanwege het Spinozahuis 71, Eburon, Delft, 1997, 36 p.

5. (1997) 03 GLOUBERMAN, M. : "Spinoza à la mode : a defence of spinozistic anti-pluralism", Australasian journal of philosophy, Sydney, 75/1 (1997), p. 38-61.

5. (1997) 04 HUENEMANN, Charles : "Predicative interpretations of Spinoza's divine extension", History of philosophy quarterly, Bowling Green (Ohio), 14/1 (1997), p. 53-75.

5. (1997) 10 MASON, Richard : The God of Spinoza. A philosophical study, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1997, 272 p. N XX, 14-15 (Henri Laux).

5. (1997) A 05 HOULE, K.L.F. : "Spinoza and ecology revisited", Environmental ethics, Albuquerque, 19/4 (1997), p. 417-431.

5. (1997) A 09 PARKINSON, G.H.R. : "Recent work on Spinoza", British journal for the history of philosophy, Bristol, 5/2 (1997), p. 389-401.

5. (1997) A 10 PROKHOVNIK, Raia : "From democracy to aristocracy : Spinoza, reason and politics", History of European Ideas, Oxford, t. 23, n°2-4 (1997), p. 105-115.

5. (1997) A 12 ROSENTHAL, Michael A. : "Why Spinoza chose the Hebrews : the exemplary function of prophecy in the Theological-Political Treatise", History of political thought, Exeter, 18/2 (1997), p. 207-241.

5. (1997) A 15 SMITH, Steven B. : Spinoza, Liberalism, and the Question of Jewish Identity, Yale University Press, New Haven and London, 1997, 270+xvii p. N XXI, 31-32 (Steven Barbone).

5. (1997) A 16 The new Spinoza, Traduction et présentation par Warren Montag et Ted Stolze, University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, 1997, 260+xx p. N XXI, 32-33 (Steven Barbone). Sommaire :
Louis ALTHUSSER : "The only materialist tradition, part I : Spinoza";
Gilles DELEUZE : "Spinoza and the three 'Ethics'";
Luce IRIGARAY : "The enveloppe : a reading of Spinoza, Ethics, 'of God'";
Emilia GIANCOTTI : "The birth of modern materialism in Hobbes and Spinoza";
Pierre MACHEREY : "The problem of the attributes";
Pierre-François MOREAU : "Fortune and the theory of History";
Gabriel ALBIAC : "The empty Synagogue";
André TOSEL : "Superstition and reading";
Étienne BALIBAR : "Jus-pactum-lex : on the constitution of the subject in the Theologico-political treatise";
Alexandre MATHERON : "The theoretical function of democracy in Spinoza and Hobbes";
Antonio NEGRI : "Reliqua desiderantur : a conjecture for a definition of the concept of democracy in the final Spinoza".

5. (1997) A 17 THOMAS, James : "Spinoza's theory of expression", Prima philosophia, Cuxhaven, Bd. 10, n°4 (1997), p. 425-432.

5. (1997) C 03 SCHMALTZ, Tad : "Spinoza's mediate infinite mode", Journal of the history of philosophy, Berkeley (Calif.), t. 35, n°2 (1997), p. 199-235.

5. (1997) D 01 UENO, Osamu : "Spinoza's biblical interpretation. Theology and philosophy, their separation and their coincidence", The Philosophical Studies of Yamaguchi University, 6 (1997) p. 36-51.

5. (1998) 01 ARMOUR, Leslie : "On Making God go away : a reply to Professor Maxwell", Dialogue, Ottawa, 37/2 (1998), p. 291-298.

5. (1998) 02 BICKNELL, Jeannette : "An overlooked aspect of love in Spinoza's Ethics", Iyyun, Jerusalem, 47 (1998), p. 41-55.

5. (1998) 06 KOISTINEN, Olli : "On the consistency of Spinoza's modal theory", The Southern journal of philosophy, Memphis (Tenn.), 36/1 (1998), p. 61-80.

5. (1998) 09 MACHEREY, Pierre : In a materialist way : selected essays by Pierre Macherey, traduction par Ted Stolze, présentation par Warren Montag, Verso, London/New York, 1998, 197 p. N XXI, 19 (Steve Barbone).

5. (1998) 10 MEZZOCCHI, Jeff : "Spinoza and Euthanasia", Dialogue, Journal of Phi Sigma Tau, Milwaukee (Wisc.), t. 40, n°2-3 (1998), p. 41-47.

5. (1998) 15 RAVVEN, Heidi : "Spinoza's individualism reconsidered : some lessons from the Short Treatise on God, man, and his well-being", Iyyun, Jerusalem, 47 (1998), p. 265-292.

5. (1998) 18 STEINBERG, Diane : "Method and the structure of knowledge in Spinoza", Pacific philosophical quarterly, Los Angeles, t. 79, n°2 (1998), p. 152-169.

5. (1998) 20 THOMAS, James : "The uniqueness of substance in Spinoza's Ethics", Prima philosophia, Cuxhaven, Bd. 11, n°1 (1998), p. 9-15.

5. (1998) A 09 OKRENT, Nicholas : "Spinoza on the essence, mutability and power of God", Philosophy and theology : Marquette University Quarterly, Milwaukee (Wisc.), t. 11, n°1 (1998), p. 71-84.

5. (1998) A 11 RICE, Lee C. : "Spinoza and Highway Robbery", Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie, t. 80, n°2 (1998), p. 211-218.

5. (1998) A 13 ROSENTHAL, Michael A. : "Two collective action problems in Spinoza's social contract theory", History of Philosophy Quarterly, Bowling Green (Ohio), t. 15, n°4 (1998), p. 389-409.

5. (1998) C 01 BAGLEY, Paul. J. : "Spinoza, biblical criticism, and the Enlightenment", in John C. McCarthy (ed.) : Modern Enlightenment and the rule of reason : studies in philosophy and the history of philosophy, volume 32, Cath. Univ. Amer. Pr., Washington DC, 1998, p. 121-149.

5. (1999) 01 BARBONE, Steven and Lee C. RICE : "Spinoza and necessary existence", Philosophia : Philosophical quarterly of Israel, Ramat-Gan, t. 27, n°1-2 (1999), p. 87-97.

5. (1999) 05 GATENS, Moira and Genevieve LLOYD : Collective imaginings. Spinoza, past and present, Routledge, London and New York, 1999, 169 p. N XXII, 24-25 (Mogens Laerke).

5. (1999) 07 MONTAG, Warren : Bodies, Masses, Power. Spinoza and his contemporaries, Verso, London/New York, 1999, xxi+136 p. N XXII, 25-26 (Ki-Soon Park).

5. (1999) 09 RICE, Lee C. : "Paradoxes of parallelism in Spinoza", Iyyun, Jerusalem, 48 (1999), p. 37-54.

5. (1999) 10 RUTHERFORD, Donald : "Salvation as a state of mind : the place of acquiescentia in Spinoza's Ethics", British Journal of History of Philosophy, Bristol, t. 7, n°3 (1999), p.447-473. N XXII, 27 (Jacqueline Lagrée).

5. (1999) A 04 DANÉL, Adam : "Omnis determinatio est negatio", Iyyun, Jerusalem, 48 (1999), p. 383-399.

5. (1999) A 06 FRANKEL, Steven : "Politics and Rhetoric : the intended audience of Spinoza's Tractatus theologico-politicus", The review of metaphysics, Washington, 52/4 (1999), p. 897-924.

5. (1999) A 07 GABHART, Mitchell : "Spinoza on self-preservation and self-destruction", Journal of the history of philosophy, Berkeley (Calif.), t. 37 n°4 (1999), p. 613-628.

5. (1999) A 09 HARVEY, Warren : "The biblical term ‘glory’ in Spinoza's Ethics", Iyyun, Jérusalem, 48 (1999), p. 447-448.

5. (1999) A 16 = 5. (1999) 10

5. (1999) A 18 SCHMALTZ, Tad : "Spinoza on the vacuum", Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie, Berlin, 81/2 (1999), p. 174-205.

5. (1999) A 20 THOMAS, James : Intuition and reality : a study of the attributes of substance in the absolute idealism of Spinoza , Brookfiels, Ashgate, 1999.

5. (1999) B 01 TALBERT, Matthew : "Virtue and the intellectual love of God : freedom in Sinoza's ethics", Kinesis, 26/2 (1999), p. 27-42.

5. (2000) 07 HIPPLER, Thomas : "Spinoza on historical myths", in Bo Stråth (ed.) : Myth and memory in the construction of community. Historical patterns in Europe and Beyond, Peter Lang/Presses interuniversitaires européennes, 2000, p. 95-112.

5. (2000) 08 KORICHI, Mériam : "Defining Spinoza's possible materialism", Graduate faculty philosophy journal, New York, 22/1 (2000), p. 53-69.

5. (2000) 10 MELAMED, Yitzhaky : "On the exact science of nonbeing : Spinoza's view of mathematics", Iyyun, Jerusalem, 49 (2000), p. 3-22.

5. (2000) 16 SEGAL, Gideon : "Beyond subjectivity : Spinoza's cognitivism of the emotions", British Journal for the History of Philosophy, Bristol, 8/1 (2000), p. 1-19.

5. (2000) 17 STEINBERG, Diane : On Spinoza, Wadsworth Publishing Cie, Belmont (Calif.) 2000, 96 p. N XXIII, 20-21 (Steven Barbone).

5. (2000) 19 = 6. (2000) A 08 WILKENS, Gary C. : "Spinoza really does want a beer : Bennett and Rice on teleology and representation", Dialogue. Journal of Phi Sigma Tau, Milwaukee (Wisc.), 43/1 (2000), p. 20-24.

5. (2000) A 02 BENDER, Kimlyn J. : "The ethics of immanence : the metaphysical foundations of Spinoza's moral philosophy", Sophia (Australia), 39 (2) (2000), p. 31-55.

5. (2000) A 04 RORTY, Amélie Oksenberg : "Spinoza's ironic therapy : from anger to the intellectual love of God", History of philosophy quarterly, Bowling Green (Ohio), t. 17, n°3 (2000), p. 261-276.

5. (2000) A 05 PARCHMENT, Steven : "The mind's eternity in Spinoza's Ethics", Journal of the history of philosophy, Berkeley (Calif.), t. 38, n°3 (2000), p. 349-382.

5. (2000) A 06 STOCK, Barbara : "Spinoza on the immortality of the mind", History of Philosophy Quarterly, Bowling Green (Ohio), t. 17, n°4 (2000), p. 381-403.

5. (2001) 03 BENNETT, Jonathan : Learning from six philosophers. Descartes, Spinoza, Leibniz, Locke, Berkeley, Hume, Clarendon, Oxford, 2001. Vol. I, xix-403 p.; vol. II, xix-375 p. [Vol. I, chap. 6-11. Chap. 6 : "Preparing to approach Spinoza", p. 112-132; chap. 7 : "One extended substance", p. 133-150; chap. 8 : "Explaining the parallelism", p. 151-169; chap. 9 : "Explanatory rationalism", p. 170-185; chap. 10 : "Spinoza on belief and error", p. 171-206; chap. 11 : "Desire in Descartes and Spinoza", p. 207-223].

5. (2001) 04 BLOM, Hans W. : "Providence, determinism and the nature of Liberty : necessity as an argument for freedom", in Luisa Simonutti (dir.) : Dal necessario al possibile. Determinismo e libertà nel pensiero anglo-olandese del VII secolo, Franco Angeli, Milano, 2001, p. 177-197.

5. (2001) 05 CONNOLLY, William E. : "Spinoza and us", Political Theory, Beverly Hills, vol. 29, n°4 (2001), p. 583-594.

5. (2001) 06 GARRETT, Don : "Benedict de Spinoza", in Steven Emmanuel (ed.) : The Blackwell guide to the modern philosophers from Descartes to Nietzsche, Blackwell, Cambridge, 2001, p. 43-60.

5. (2001) 07 HAMBLET, Wendy C. : "The disarming of being : the metaphysics of Spinoza", Prima Philosophia, Cuxhaven, Bd. 14, n°1 (2001), p. 91-101.

5. (2001) 13 MILLS, Frederick B. : "A spinozist approach to the conceptual gap in consciousness studies", The Journal of Mind and Behavior, 22/1 (2001), p. 91-102.

5. (2001) 15 PREUS, J. Samuel : Spinoza and the Irrelevance of Biblical Authority, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2001, 228-xvi p. N XXIV, 10-11 (Steven Barbone).

5. (2001) 16 PUOLIMATKA, Tapio : "Spinoza's theory of teaching and indoctrination", Educational Philosophy and Theory, 33 (3-4) (2001), p. 397-410.

5. (2001) 17 SZALAI, Judith : "Spinoza's political liberalism", Dialogue, Journal of Phi Sigma Tau, Milwaukee (Wisc.), t. 43 n°2-3 (2001), p. 29-33.

5. (2001) 18 UENO, Osamu : "On the ‘credo minimum’ in Spinoza's Tractatus Theologico-Politicus", The Philosophical Studies of Yamaguchi University, 10 (2001), p. 47-72.

6. Polémiques et influences. Philosophie comparée

6. (1978) 08 CURLEY, Edwin M. : "Man and Nature in Spinoza", in 3. (1978) 03, p. 19-26. N I, 26.

6. (1978) 13 GROEN, J. J. : "Spinoza's theory of affects and modern psychobiology", in 3. (1978) 03, p. 97-118. N I, 27.

6. (1978) 19 ROTENSTREICH, Nathan : "Rationalism and thinking", in 3. (1978) 02, p. 312-326. N I, 28.

6. (1978) B 01 ATKINS, Dorothy : George Eliot and Spinoza, Universität Salzburg, coll. "Salzburg Studies in English Literature" (Romantic Reassesment, t. 78), 1978, 188 p. N III, 20-21 (Pierre-François Moreau).

6. (1978) B 05 PARKINSON, G.H.R. : "Leibniz's Paris writings in relation to Spinoza", Studia leibnitiana, Wiesbaden, 1978, Supplementa 18, p. 73-89. N III, 21.

6. (1979) 08 MOTZKIN, Aryeh Leo : "Spinoza and Luzzato : Philosophy and Religion", Journal of the History of Philosophy, Berkeley (Calif.), t. XVII, 1979-1, p. 43-51. N II, 19.

6. (1979) 09 PETRY, Michael John : Nieuwentijt's criticism of Spinoza, Mededelingen 40 vanwege het Spinozahuis, E. J. Brill, Leiden, 1979, 16 p. N II, 19.

6. (1979) A 02 CASSIDY, J. : "Some similarities between Hume's and Spinoza's ethical theories", The Journal of Value Inquiry, 's-Gravenhage (= La Haye), t. 13, n°3 (1979), p. 187-194. N III, 18.

6. (1979) A 05 POPKIN, Richard H. : "Hume and Spinoza", Hume Studies, The University of Western Ontario, n° 5 (1979), p. 65-93. N III, 18.

6. (1979) E 01 NAILS, Debra : "Conatus versus Eros/Thanatos : on the principles of Spinoza and Freud", Dialogue, Journal of Phi Sigma Tau, Milwaukee (Wisc.), t. 21, p. 33-40. N VII, 35.

6. (1980) 07 LICHTIGFELD, A. : "Spinoza, a tercentenary reflection based on the philosophy of Karl Jaspers", Kant-Studien, Berlin, t. 71 (1980), p. 117-121. N III, 12.

6. (1980) 10 MORRISON, James C. : "Vico and Spinoza", Journal of the history of ideas, New York, t. 41, n°1 (1980), p. 49-68. N III, 12-13.

6. (1980) 11 MUNGELO, D. : "Malebranche and chinese Philosophy", Journal of the history of ideas, New York, t. 41, n°4 (1980), p. 551-578 (p. 561). N III, 13.

6. (1980) A 01 ASHTON, R. : The German Idea : four English writers and the reception of german thought 1800-1860, Cambridge U.P., 1980, 245 p. N IV, 21-22.

6. (1980) A 04 GLOUBERMAN, M. : "Causation, cognition, and historical typology", Dialectica, Bienne, t. 34, n°3 (1980), p. 211-227. N IV, 22.

6. (1980) A 08 PALMER, A. : "Belief", Philosophy, London, t. 56 (1980), n°215, p. 33-45. N IV, 23.

6. (1981) 11 PETRY, Michael John : "Kuyper's analysis of Spinoza's Method", in 3. (1981) 03, p. 1-18. N IV, 18.

6. (1981) A 02 HARRIS, Errol E. : "Fichte and spinozism", in Klaus Hammacher (éd.) : Der Transzendentale Gedanke, Felix Meiner Verlag, Hamburg, 1981, p. 407-420.

6. (1981) A 03 JACOB, Margaret C. : The Radical Enlightment, Allen & Uwin, 1981, 312 p. N V, 24-25.

6. (1981) A 04 KLINE, George L. : Spinoza in Soviet Philosophy (1952), rééd. Hyperion Press, Westport, 1981, 190 p.

6. (1981) A 07 WAWRYTKO, Sandra A. : The undercurrent of feminine philosophy in eastern and western thought, Washington U.P., 1981. N V, 25.

6. (1981) A 08 WURZER, W.S. : "Mens et Corpus in Spinoza and Nietzsche : a propaedeutic comparison", Diálogos, Río Piedras (Puerto Rico), 16 (1981), p. 81-92. N V, 25.

6. (1982) 06 FOTI, V. M. : "Thought, Affect, Drive and Pathogenesis in Spinoza and Freud", History of European Ideas, Oxford, 3 (1982), p. 221-236. N V, 16.

6. (1982) 13 O'HIGGINS, James : Yves de Vallone. The Making of an Esprit Fort, Martinus Nijhoff, 's-Gravenhage (= La Haye), 1982, 248 p. N V, 17-20 (F. Charles-Daubert).

6. (1982) 17 SULLIVAN, Robert E. : John Toland and the deist Controversy. A study in adaptation, Harvard U.P., 1982, 355 p. N V, 20.

6. (1982) A 01 BAKKER, Jonathan : "Deborin's materialist interpretation of Spinoza", Studies in Soviet Thought, Dordrecht, t. 24/3 (1982), p. 175-183. N VI, 20.

6. (1982) A 06KATZ, Jacob : "Berthold Auerbach's Anticipation of the German-Jewish Tragedy", Hebrew Union College Annual, Cincinnati (Ohio), t. 53 (1982), p. 215-240. N VI, 24.

6. (1982) A 07 LACHTERMAN, David R. : compte rendu de The Radical Spinoza, de P. Wienpahl, Review of metaphysics, Washington (D.C), vol. 36, n°2 (1982), p. 476-479. N VI, 24.

6. (1983) 02 BERMAN, David : "Spinoza's spiders, Schopenhauer's dogs", Philosophical Studies, Dublin, hiver 1982-83, t. 29, p. 202-209. N VI, 16.

6. (1983) 21 MACRAE, Robert : "The Mind, simple or composite : Leibniz versus Spinoza", Southern Journal of Philosophy, Memphis (Tenn.), t. 21 (1983), supplément, p. 111-120. N VI, 18.

6. (1983) A 04 SCHIRMACHER, Wolfgang : "Monism in Spinoza's and Husserl's Thought", in Anna-Teresa Tymeniecka (éd.) : Soul and Body in Husserlian Phenomenology, Reidel, Analecta Husserliana 16, p. 345-352. N VII, 28.

6. (1983) C 01 RICKMAN, H.P. : The adventure of reason, the uses of philosophy in sociology, Greenwood Presse, Westport (Conn.)/Westport Publications, London, 1983, 172 p. (Chap. IV, p. 71-98). N IX, 38 (Jacqueline Lagrée).

6. (1984) A 02 BELL, David : Spinoza in Germany from 1670 to the Age of Goethe, Institute of Germanic Studies, University of London, 1984, 192 p. N VIII, 29-30 (Anne Lagny).

6. (1984) A 03 COMMERS, R. : "Marx's Concept of Justice and the two traditions in European political Thought", Philosophica, Gent, n°33 (1984), p. 107-129. N VIII, 30.

6. (1984) A 04 GUPTA, B. : "Brahman, God, Substance and Nature : Samkara and Spinoza", Indian philosophical Quarterly, Amalner, 11 (1984), p. 265-284.

6. (1984) B 02 SHMUELI, Ephraïm : Crossroads of modern Thought. Studies in Spinoza, Hegel, Husserl and Mannheim, Eked, Tel-Aviv, 1984, 190 p. Au sommaire : réédition de 4 articles (p. 7-66) : "The geometrical method, personal caution, and the idea of tolerance" (1980), "Hegel's interpretation of Spinoza's concept of substance" (1970), "Some similarities between Hegel and Spinoza on substance", "Thomas Aquinas' influence on Spinoza's concept of attributes" (1979).

6. (1985) 07 SCHWARTZ, Joël : "Liberalism and the jewish connexion : A study of Spinoza and the young Marx", Political theory, Beverly Hills, vol. 13 (1985), p. 58-84.

6. (1985) 08 YOVEL, Yirmiyahu : "Heinrich Heine and the message of pantheism", Jerusalem Quarterly, 35 (1985), p. 101-111. N VIII, 27.

6. (1985) A 02 GILEAD, Amihud : "The problem of immediate evidence. The case of Spinoza and Hegel", Hegel-Studien, Bonn, t. 20 (1985), p. 145-162.

6. (1985) A 03 GRANGE, Joseph : "Being, feeling and environment", Environmental Ethics, Albuquerque, t. 7 (1985), p. 351-364.

6. (1986) 05 PINES, Shlomo : "Nietzsche : Psychology vs Philosophy, and Freedom", in Y. Yovel (éd.) : Nietzsche as Affirmative Thinker, Martinus Nijhoff, Dordrecht, 1986, p. 147-159.

6. (1986) 07 YOVEL, Yirmiyahu : "Nietzsche and Spinoza : Amor Fati and Amor Dei", in Y. Yovel (éd.) : Nietzsche as Affirmative Thinker, Martinus Nijhoff, Dordrecht, 1986, p. 183-203.

6. (1986) C 04 HOFFHEIMER, Michael H. : "Locke, Spinoza and the idea of political equality", History of political Thought, Exeter, 7 (1986), p. 341-360.

6. (1986) C 09 ODEGARD, D. : compte rendu de J. Bennett : A Study of Spinoza's Ethics, Canadian Journal of Philosophy, Edmonton, 16, 3 (1986), p. 545-557.

6. (1987) B 04 DEN UYL, Douglas J. : "Passion, State and Progress : Spinoza and Mandeville on the nature of human association", Journal of the history of philosophy, Berkeley (Calif.), t. 25, 3 (1987), p. 369-95.

6. (1987) B 09 POPKIN, Richard H. : "Some seventeenth-century interpretations of Spinoza's ideas", in C. Augustin et al. : Kerkhistorische opstellen aangeboden aan Prof. Dr. Jan van den Berg, 1987, p. 63-74.

6. (1987) B 10 POPKIN, Richard H. : "The first published discussion of a central theme in Spinoza's Tractatus", Philosophia, Ramat Gan, t. 17 (1987), p. 101-109. N XII, 48.

6. (1987) B 14 TOMM, Winnifred A. : "Autonomy and Interrelatedness : Spinoza, Hume and Vasubandhu", Zygon, Chicago (Ill.), 22 (1987), p. 459-478.

6. (1988) 01 BRYKMAN, Geneviève : "Bayle's Case for Spinoza", Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, London, t. 88 (1988), p. 259-270.

6. (1988) 05 KLEVER, Wim N.A. : "Burchard de Volder (1643-1709). A cryptospinozist on a Leiden cathedra", Lias, Amsterdam, t. XV-2 (1988), p. 191-241. N XI, 30.

6. (1988) 10 SIEBRAND, Heine J. : Spinoza and the netherlanders, An inquiry into the early reception of his philosophy of religion, Van Gorcum, Assen, 1988, 239 p. N XI, 32-33 (Jacqueline Lagrée).

6. (1988) B 03 VALLÉE, Gérard : The Spinoza Conversations between Lessing and Jacobi. Text with Excerpts from the Ensuing Controversy , introduction de Gérard Vallée, traduction de Gérard Vallée, J.B. Lawson & C.G. Chapple, University Press of America, Lanham/New York/London, 1988, 174 p. N XIII, 49 (Anne Lagny).

6. (1989) 12 YOVEL, Yirmiyahu : Spinoza and Other Heretics, Princeton U.P., Princeton (New Jersey), 1989, 2 volumes, XIII-235 et XV-225 p. (Traduction de 6. (1988) A 05). N XII, 40-43 (Elhanan Yakira).

6. (1989) A 02 PACCHI, Arrigo : "Leviathan and Spinoza's Tractatus on Revelation : Some elements for a comparison", History of European Ideas, Oxford, t. 10 (1989), p. 577-593. N XIII, 48.

6. (1991) 07 JACOB, Alexander : Henry More's refutation of Spinoza, G. Olms, Hildesheim/Zürich/New York, "Studien und Materialen zur Geschichte der Philosphie", Band 32, 1991, 137 p. (latin-anglais). N XIV, 20-21 (Jacqueline Lagrée).

6. (1991) 09 LEAVITT, Frank J. : "Hume Against Spinoza and Aristotle", Hume Studies, U. of Western Ontario, London (Ont.), XVII/2 (1991), p. 203-208. (Suivi d'une réponse de Wim KLEVER : "A Vindication", p. 209-213).

6. (1991) 14 STEILA, Daniela : "Spinoza", in Genesis and Development of Plekhanov's Theory of Knowledge, Kluwer, Dordrecht, 1991 (ch.II, §2, p. 77-82).

6. (1991) 16 WISSENBURG, Marcel : "Responsible for society ? The stoics and Spinoza on political responsability", Nijmegen political science Reports, Nijmegen, 10 (1991), 16 p. N XIV, 25.

6. (1991) B 01 NORRIS, Christopher : Spinoza and the Origins of modern critical theory, Basil Blackwell, Oxford/Cambridge, 1991, 322 p. N XVI, 36-37 (Wiep van Bunge).

6. (1992) 01 ARMOUR, Leslie : Being and Idea : Spinoza and Hegel, Olms, Hildesheim, 1992, 185 p. N XV, 36-38 (Christine Dalluz).

6. (1993) 04 KLEVER, Wim : "More about Hume's debt to Spinoza", Hume Studies, U. of Western Ontario, London (Ont.), XIX/1 (1993), p. 55-74.

6. (1993) 09 MONTAG, Warren : "Spinoza and Althusser Against Hermeneutics : Interpretation or Intervention ?", in The Althusserian Legacy, edited by E. Ann Kaplan and Michael Sprinker, 1993, p. 51-58.

6. (1993) 10 NAESS, Arne : Spinoza and the deep ecology movement, Mededelingen vanwege het Spinozahuis, 67, Eburon, Delft, 1993, 16 p. N XVI, 23-24 (Yannis Prelorentzos).

6. (1993) 12 PARKINSON, G.H.R. : "Spinoza and the British Idealism", British Journal for the History of Philosophy, Bristol, 2 (1993).

6. (1993) 15 SPRIGGE, Timothy : Spinoza and Santayana : Religion without the Supernatural, Mededelingen vanwege het Spinozahuis, 69, Eburon, Delft, 1993, 26 p. N XVI, 25-26 (Yannis Prelorentzos).

6. (1993) 17 VAN BUNGE, Wiep : "Balthasar Bekker's Cartesian Hermeneutics and the Challenge of Spinozism", British Journal for the History of Philosophy, Bristol, 1 (1993).

6. (1993) A 01 BAIER, Annette : "David Hume spinozist", Hume Studies, U. of Western Ontario, London (Ont.), 19/2 (1993), p. 237-252.

6. (1993) A 03 CURLEY, Edwin : "Donagan's Spinoza", Ethics (U.S.A.), 104/1 (1993), p. 114-134.

6. (1993) A 04 MORRISON, James C. : "Christian Wolff's Criticism of Spinoza", Journal of the history of philosophy, Berkeley (Calif.), t. 31, n°3 (1993),p. 182-213.

6. (1993) A 05 RICHEY, Lance Byron : "Spinoza contra Curie", Philosophy & theology, Milwaukee (Wisc.), t. 7, n°3 (1993), p. 323-331.

6. (1993) A 06 WOOLHOUSE, R.S. : The Concept of Substance in Seventeenth Century Metaphysics : Descartes, Leibniz, Spinoza, Routledge, London, 1993, 214 p.

6. (1993) B 05 SHIRLEY, Edward S. : "A refutation of the dream argument. A reappropriation of Malcolm by way of Spinoza, Santayana and G.E. Moore", Southwest Philos. Rev., 9/1 (1993), p. 1-22.

6. (1993) E 01 VOSS, Stephen : "On the authority of the Passiones Animae", Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie, Berlin, 75/2 (1993), p. 160-178. N XXI, 44.

6. (1994) 10 SOBOL, Joshua : Solo, Université de Saint-Etienne, CIEREC, Travaux LXXXV, 1994, 175 p. (bilingue : français-anglais). N XVII, 57-58 (Julie Saada).

6. (1994) A 03 HARDT, Michael : "Spinoza's democracy : the passions of social assemblages", in Antonio Callari (éd.) : Marxism in the Postmodern Age, Guilford, New York, 1994.

6. (1994) A 05 MARINOFF, Louis : "Hobbes, Spinoza, Kant, Highway Robbery and Game Theory", Australasian Journal of Philosophy, 72/4 (1994), p. 445-462.

6. (1994) A 06 MERTENS, F. : "Should Franciscus van den Enden's Role in the outset of Spinozism be reconsidered ?", Tijdschrift voor Filosofie, Louvain, 56/4 (1994), p. 717-738.

6. (1994) A 08 PEREBOOM, Derk : "Stoic Psychotherapy in Descartes and Spinoza", Faith and Philosophy, Wilmore (K.Y.), 11/4 (1994), p. 592-625.

6. (1994) B 01 GABHART, Mitchell : "Spinoza, Nagel, and the view from nowhere". The Southern Journal of Philosophy, Memphis (Tenn.), 32/2 (1994), p. 161-178.

6. (1995) 06 RICE, Lee C. : "Freud, Sartre, Spinoza : the problematic of the unconscious", Giornale di Metafisica, Genova, n°17 (1995), p. 87-106.

6. (1996) 05 MACDONALD ROSS, George and FRANCKS, Richard : "Descartes, Spinoza and Leibniz", in N.F. Bunnin (ed.) : The Blackwell Companion to philosophy, Blackwell, Cambridge, 1996, p. 509-529.

6. (1996) 06 RORTY, Amélie Oksenberg : "Descartes and Spinoza on epistemological egalitarianism", History of Philosophy Quarterly, Bowling Green (Ohio), t. 13, n°1 (1996), p. 35-53.

6. (1996) A 03 LAMM, Julia : The living God. Schleiermacher's theological appropriation of Spinoza, University Park, Pennsylvania State University Press, 1996, X—246 p.

6. (1996) A 04 MASON, Richard : "How things happen : divine-natural law in Spinoza", Studia leibnitiana, Wiesbaden, 28/1 (1996), p. 17-36.

6. (1996) A 05 PIERCEY, Robert : "The Spinoza-intoxicated man : Deleuze on expression", Man World, 29/3 (1996), p. 269-281.

6. (1996) B 01 COHEN, Richard A. : "Justice and the State in the thought of Levinas and Spinoza", Epoche, 4/1 (1996), p. 55-70.

6. (1996) C 01 WHITLOCK, Greg : "Roger Boscovich, Benedict de Spinoza and Friedrich Nietzsche : the untold story", Nietzsche Studien : Internationales Jahrbuch fûr die Nietzsche Forschung, 25 (1996), p. 200-220.

6. (1996) D 01 = 6. (1996) A 03

6. (1997) 01 ARMSTRONG, Aurelia : "Some reflections on Deleuze's Spinoza : composition and agency", in Ansell Pearson, Keith (ed.) : Deleuze and philosophy : the difference engineer, Routledge, New York, 1997, p. 44-57.

6. (1997) 04 HANNAN, Barbara : "Love and human bondage in Maugham, Spinoza and Freud", in Roger Lamb (ed.) : Love Analysed, Westview Press, Boulder, 1997, p. 93-106.

6. (1997) 10 SPRIGGE, Timothy L.S. : "Spinoza and indexicals", Inquiry, Oslo, t. 40, n° 1 (1997), p. 3-22.

6. (1998) 01 COHEN, Richard A. : "To love God for nothing : Levinas and Spinoza", Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal, New York, vol. 20-21, n°1-2 (1998), p. 339-352.

6. (1998) B 01 MAIDANSKII, A.D. : "The reform of logic in Descartes's and Spinoza's works", Russian studies in philosophy, 37/2 (1998), p. 25-44.

6. (1999) 03 BAGLEY, Paul J. : "The hidden message : Errol Harris's The substance of Spinoza", Humanities Press international, 1995, International Journal of philosophical studies, t. 7, n°2 (1999), p. 225-242.

6. (1999) 12 YAFFE, Martin D. : Shylock and the Jewish Question, Johns Hopkins UP, Baltimore, 1999, 210 p. N XXII, 35 (Jacqueline Lagrée).

6. (1999) A 01 ALTWICKER, Norbert : "Benedictus de Spinoza", in Judith T. Marcus (ed.) : Surviving the twentieth century : social philosophy from the Frankfurt School to the Columbia Faculty seminars, Transaction Pub, New Brunswick, 1999, p. 279-293.

6. (1999) A 03 ISRAEL, Jonathan : "Locke, Spinoza and the philosophical debate concerning toleration in the early Enlightenment (c. 1670 – c. 1750)", Mededelingen van de afdeling letterkunden, Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen, Amsterdam, 1999, 19 p.

6. (1999) A 04 KULSTAD, Mark : "Leibnizian meditations on monism, force and substance, in relation to Descartes, Spinoza and Malebranche", The Leibniz review, 9 (1999), p. 17-42.

6. (1999) B 01. CURLEY, Edwin : "Castellio vs. Spinoza on religions toleration", in Mark D. Gedney (ed.) : The proceedings of the twentieth world congress of philosophy, volume 7 : Modern philosophy, Philosophy Doc Ctr, Bowling Green (Ohio), 1999, p. 89-110.

6. (1999) B 02 HULL, Gordon : "Marx's anomalous reading of Spinoza", Interpretation, Flushing (N.Y.), 28/1 (1999), p. 17-31.

6. (2000) 01 ADAMSON, Gregory Dale : "Bergson's spinozist tendencies", Philosophy today, 44/1 (2000), p. 73-85.

6. (2000) 02 GATENS, Moira : "Feminism as password : re-thinking the ‘possible’ with Spinoza and Deleuze", Hypatia, 15/2 (2000), p. 59-75.

6. (2000) 04 JAMES, Susan : "The power of Spinoza : feminist conjunctions", Hypatia, 15/2 (2000), p. 40-58.

6. (2000) 07 LAURSEN, John Christian : "Spinoza in Denmark and the fall of Struensee, 1770-1772", Journal of the history of ideas, New-York, 61/2 (2000), p. 189-202.

6. (2000) 09 SCHMALTZ, Tad : "The disappearance of analogy in Descartes, Spinoza, and Regis", Canadian journal of philosophy, Edmonton, 30/1 (2000), p. 85-113.

6. (2000) A 04 EDWARDS, Jeffrey : "Spinozism, freedom, and transcendental dynamics in Kant's final system of transcendental idealism", in Sally Sedgwick (ed.) : The reception of Kant's critical philosophy : Fichte, Schelling, and Hegel, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2000, p. 54-77.

6. (2000) A 05 KLEIN, Julie R. : "Etienne Balibar's marxist Spinoza", Philosophy Today, 44 (supp.) (2000), p. 41-50.

6. (2001) 07 RAVVEN, Heidi M. : "Some thoughts on what Spinoza learned from Maimonides about the prophetic imagination. Part 1. Maimonides on prophecy and the imagination", Journal of the History of Philosophy, Berkeley (Calif.), t. 39, n°2 (2001), p. 193-214.

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